The Magemerlin Allegiance in Asheron's Call
This page is for Household information, screen captures, character stats,
locations, hints & advice and general Dereth tales.
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
Have you joined the
group email list?We strive to be an honorable and generous household. We are not trade thieves nor tolerate such. The upper tiers of the family are high level characters. Fantastic weapons and armor are not just handed out, they must be earned and it must be appropriate for the character's level.
Any money needed to replace lost equipment from the store - no problem
Help with spells, boosts to learn spells or supplies for spells - no problem
We try to do various quests in groups. Escort, corpse retrieval or just plain information is available.
We are not structured as a PK (Player Killer) allegiance. There are those who have sampled it on weekends. I suggest that if you wish to see what that Lifestyle is like, try Darktide. We know a few people who have moved there. There are those who enjoy PK for days at a time, use the email group to contact them. The PK Council is headed by Darraven.
If you wish to join us either contact a character from the Message Board in game, email me from this scroll or talk to anyone in game you see with Magemerlin as their monarch
Other links
Crossroads of Dereth = A great Info site
STOMPED = Take a Look
Defenders of the Arwic Marches and The Black Pit = Other Magemerlin sites
Sons of Viktar = A different Allegiance
Hearding's Travails = funny
AC Vault = Another good info site