SOCOM: US Navy Seals Online Guide

Table of Contents:
0. Version history
1. Introduction
2. FAQ
3. General Tips
4. In depth Tips and Strategies
a. Suppression
b. Demolition
c. Extraction
5. Particular Weapon Tips
a. Automatic
b. Single Shot
c. Sniper
d. Handgun
6. Particular Item Tips
7. Sniper Tips
8. Closing
9. Thank-you’s
10. Copyright info

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       -=-             0. Version history            -=-
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September 3, 2002: I have just finished the first version of this FAQ.  If you see it that probably means that it was posted!  Yay!  Anyway, start reading!

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       -=-              1. Introduction:             -=-
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The Navy Seals are probably one of the most feared organizations on earth.  They have an extreme amount of endurance, skill in stealth, and quality of work.  Not all can become a Navy Seal, but anyone can become an online player.

This guide is to help you have an extreme amount of endurance, skill in stealth, and quality of work.  This guide will help you with your hiding spots, your routes, your weapons of choice, and some neat little tricks you might like. 

But watch out.  When you are playing SOCOM online, you aren’t going up against a crappy AI.  You are going up against thinking human beings, just like you.  Human beings that have just as good a chance of kicking just as much ass as you.  So watch out, and watch your back.

BTW, look for me online!  My screen name is Dark Samurai and I’m usually in the US East briefing rooms.

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       -=-                 2. FAQ                      -=-
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This is where you can ask Frequently asked questions!  Email ANY questions to me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com.

Q. How can I set up my SOCOM online?  I already have the required network adaptor and Cable modem.

A. Well, I turned off everything, and took the ethernet cable out of my computer.  Then, I plugged it into the PS2.  So basically, I had my computer next to my PS2.  My PS2 was directly connected to my cable modem.  Then, I got a great router and now I can use the internet and the PS2 at the same time.

Q. How come I keep dying?

A. This game takes a lot less shots to die than other games like Perfect Dark or Timesplitters.  But you’ll get used to it.  Everyone starts out bad.

Q. Geese!  There are all these young kids playing and they annoy me!  How do I get rid of them?

A. You cant.  Just treat them like normal people, you prejudice freak.

Q. Can people cheat online?

A. Yes

Q. How can I stop it?

A. Get everyone to vote him/her off the team.

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       -=-             3. General Tips:              -=-
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This mode is the mode everyone is used to.  “Destroy all enemies!”  This mode is also known as the “Deathmatch”.

Now for the tips…

- A lot of people wonder why there is the “burst” command.  Well, I think it is to try and scare enemies or lure them out of there spot without wasting that much ammo.  But that’s what I think.  But if you fight with burst on, that’s just like saying “Ok, ill hit you a couple times, then you fill me up with led.”

- Although some levels don’t have them, trees are very useful (especially during blizzard).  Also, shrubs are good, too.

- Snipers are deadly.  You should fear them, unless you are behind them with a rifle :-).  So, do stuff you would do in something like a hide and seek game: hide from them!  Don’t run out in the open for opportunities of being found!

- Try different weapons to see which one fits you best, like choosing a fighter in a balanced fighting game. It’s just a matter of opinion.

- Don’t use the same path a lot in the same game.  Be creative, and look for other ones to get to certain destinations

- Tunnels are dangerous!  Proceed with caution.

- Don’t be afraid to call for backup!  You always want to outnumber him.

- This is gonna sound weird but if it’s a one on one gunfight, unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE you are going to win, you should run away.  Because if its one on one, then chances are, most people have died or you set out alone.  So, if you have any surviving teammates or good hiding spots, go to them and and get ready for the enemy.

- If you absolutely must fight a guy one on one, then at least make sure you set your controls to something that turns quick.  Because most of the time, people are running in circles trying to shoot eachother but are only hitting the part a foot to the left of the enemy.

- If you are in a demolition mode, use smoke grenades to blind your enemy while he is in the bomb’s shelter.  Then, fire away with your gun (don’t do this with a sniper rifle).

- If you are in a demolition mode, get a good distance away from the bomb and aim at it.  Wait for the enemy to get into your sight and then blast him. (Do this with a Sniper Rifle)

- If you are in a demolition mode, hide yourself by your place and wait for the enemy looking for the bomb.  When he comes, fill his body with led.

- If you are in a demolition mode, you could plant a claymore in the bomb spot (make sure its not visible) and run to a hiding spot. When the enemy goes to it, blow it up for a close to instant death.

- If you are in a extraction mode, split into 2 teams: an attack team and a hostage team.  The attack team should try to destroy the enemy and distract them as much as possible while the other team goes in and saves the hostages. (You must be a seal for this one)

- If you are in a extraction mode, and if you are guarding the hostages, and the Seals are close, throw a smoke bomb to blind the seals, and get a few shots in them.  Then, throw another one and repeat! (This only works for terrorists)

If you have any general tips, email them to me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com or post them at Gamefaqs.com with the title [vgsamurai: General Tips]

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       -=-     4. In Depth Tips and Strategies         -=-
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[This section is still under construction]

This part of the guide is to take you through all the levels one by one to give the most information possible.

a. Suppression
This mode is often reffered to as the “Death-match”.  It is a game where the seals and the terrorists fight until each side doesn’t have any more people.  In the game menu, you can tell if it is a suppression game by a handgun next to the name.

Basically, it is a bunch of ABANDONED temples surrounded by big grass hills with tunnels inside them.  The Seals start behind a grass hill while the terrorists start in a big temple on the other side of the map.

- Sometimes you can go under the bridge and hide in that little shadowed spot to the left if you drop from the center of it.

- Those tunnels are great for sneaking around.

- If you need a hiding spot, the cavern on the right (seal)/ Left (terrorist) has some good shadow spots.  Also there is a nice sniping spot in there…

- Try not to go onto the top of the square building in the middle.  You are an easy shot for snipers there.

- You can plant bombs in the tunnel shadows for an easy kill.

Routes are paths that you follow from the beginning to a certain area.


“Stick to the Left”
Make a left and go up the hill.  Now you should be on a stone pavement with the choice of going left or right.  Make a right. 

Go forward about 20 steps, and you’ll reach a tunnel. Go into that tunnel, but go slowly because that’s a common route for terrorists. 

Once you reach the other side, you are on a rectangle pavement about 10 feet from the ground to your left, and about 50 feet from the ground on your right.  In front of you, there is a little pillar sloping down.  Terrorists like to hide under that, around the pavement, and far in front of you, so cover the area carfully. 

Next, proceed down the slope, and up the little hill to reach the enemy’s temple.  Go up the stairs fast, and go to the top-back of the temple and look down the square hole and kill anyone hiding there.  Done.  Now, you can snipe out any unsuspecting terrorists in the central temple from behind.

“The Crypt Ambush”
This route MAKES you go out in the open.  Through a grenade and head straight into the center gate, shooting like crazy.

At the stone bridge over the water, jump off the center part. Turn 180 degrees around and head for the tunnel.

In this tunnel is a lot of tombs.  Go through the tunnel, and up the latter, and out to the beginning. The purpose of this one is to distract people while your teammates go somewhere else OR Look to see where the shots from your enemy are coming from.


“Stick to the Right” 
Make a right when you start, and go past the bridge on your LEFT until you go to the level boundary.  There should be a sort of concrete pillar setted as a slope leading up to a cave.  But before the cave, there is a spot that you can look over to a major amount of the battlefield. 

That is a pretty good sniping spot.  The only bad thing is that you can be easily spotted in a number of ways.

“Cave Ambush”
Go straight into the temple in front of you. Go halfway up the stairs, and through a grenade on the top of the stairs.  Then, rush up the stairs, shooting like crazy, lap the top area at least 3 times.  Then, go across to the bridge leading to the cave on the left and your free.  The purpose of this one is to distract people while your teammates go somewhere else OR Look to see where the shots from your enemy are coming from.

Summary: This is a big oil tanker.

- You may not think it, but enemys wont notice you as much as you think on top of those yellow pillars.

No routes yet!
In this mode, you start out on the oposite side of your enemy.  There is a bomb smack dab in the middle.  You have to take that bomb and plant it in the enemy’s base for 30 seconds.  Make sure someone covers you while doing this because you are completely vulnerable to enemies when you are planting the bomb.  So basically, you can either plant the bomb AND let it blow up the enemy’s base, or you can just kill all your enemies.

Summary:  A small version of the 2nd mission.  It’s a snow mission.

- Terrorists camo is great here.  Hiding in trees deep almost makes you invisible I remember guys running past me not noticing me when I get a clear headshot.

- Although the seal’s camo isnt as good as the terrorist’s, you can still snipe from high places and it kinda works.

- There are a lot of little “valleys” inbetween cliffs that work for stealth.



“Stick to the Right”
Go down all the way to the right. 
Go forward.  There should be a small hill with a couple trees in front of you .
Get your teammates to each hide in a tree on each side of the hill.  You stay about 15 feet away diagnoley.  When and if the enemy’s come that way, you will be ready.

“Stick Down”
Get a good sniper rifle, and go left a couple spaces.  Then, *WALK* off the edge, and if you went left the right amount of spaces, you should be on a little slope not-far from the ground.

Go down that slope. On the left, there should be a little spot where you can clime onto.  Get on that and you should be in good shape.  It’s a pretty good sniping spot.


“Get ‘em while it’s cold!”

When you’re a terrorist, go all the way to the right side of your base.  Then, walk forward, and you should see a hill with a tree.  Go on that hill, and go as far to the edge you can. Lye down, and turn on the nightvision goggles to see the shack where the bomb is.  Snipe the enemies trying to get the bomb, hence the name of this route.


Summary:  A sort of dark place.  It is on a hill.  The Seals start on the top, and the terrorists start on the bottom. There is a route straight through the middle, and on the left and right sides.  Use the nightvision goggles a lot.

- There are a lot of spots where you can hide behind rocks and the enemy will run right past you.

- To my knowelodge, there aren’t any good sniping spots here.  If anyone finds any, tell me about it.  I wont put it in the FAQ, but ill say that there is a spot.


---Seals and Terrorists---

These work for both.

“Samurai Stealth”

Ok, go in your tent, and shoot the light.  Plant a Claymore on the side of the entrance.  Hide in the oposite side, and wait until an enemy comes in.  Detonate the bomb, and switch back to the weapon (DON’T DO THIS IF YOU HAVE A SNIPER RIFLE INSTEAD OF AN ASSAULT RIFLE!!!!) you have, and blast there asses while there thinking about the bomb.

“Ninja Stealth”

Go up to one of those rock type wall things and crouch on the back of it.  When the enemy runs past you, shoot them from CLOSE UP!  You have the perfect oppurtunity, Don’t ruin it if you accidently miss them and give away your spot.  Trust me, its happened a bunch of times.  Or, use a sniper rifle, they work well since if the enemy is running forward they’ll be easy to predict.

The Ruins

Summary: One of my favorite levels, it has a bunch of stealthy ways to get place to place.  I think that routes would be a waste of time, so I wont provide them for this level.  Basically, The Seals and the terrorists start not as close to their base as the other levels. There really isnt that big of a difference.

- You can easily hide in the weeds in the water. I once ran straight passed a guy when he came to me with his pistol and shot me from point blank range.

- Lots of climbing here, don’t go any place you know that you will be shot at and then expect to make it a couple feet.

This is the mode where you have to save the hostages.  Press the action button when you see them.  First Restrain them and then tell them to follow you.

Desert Glory

Summary: The terrorists start by their hostage building and the seals start with a 3 way route.

- The 2 big buildings are good for sniping

- Usually, you should take one at a time to not cause a big line.



If you don’t want to be possibly in the way of a sniper rifle, try to make a right at the start and follow the path.  There are HARDLY any sniping spots there, and it leads straight to the hostage base.


“Escape Artist”
Ok.  You know that staircase in the second room of your base?  Yeah, there is a secret passage under that that leads out.  VERY effective for escaping gun-fights, or even sneaking up on opponents.

Blood Lake
Summary: a foggy marsh with hills.  The Hostage base is on the same side as the Seals.

- Use the rocks for your stealth!

- There are many different sniping places in this level.  I love it!



Go to the Hostage place.  Then, look to the outside while in the doorway.  You’ll see a hill.  Go up that hill.  There is a big tree on it.  Go around the tree.  Now, you should be close to the ledge.  Get a running start, and jump across this ledge to the other one.  Go to the right, and you will have a clear veiw on the hostage area.  Watch out though, you may get killed eventually from people looking for that spot.

If you have anything to add to the In-depth Online tips section, email me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com. PLEASE!!!
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       -=-          5. Particular Weapon Tips          -=-       
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1. Automatic weapons
Favorites: F90 and M63A
- Fire at will.  Auto weapons don’t have the best aiming, so don’t rely on the crosshair.

- Try to be at least 25 feet close to the enemy to make sure you hit most of the time.

- Try not to use in hostage guarding.  A stray bullet could easily hit a hostage.

2. Single shot weapons
Favorites: M4A1SD and 552
- Good use at a hostage situation.

- Try to be moderately far, about 30 to 40 feet away from the target.

- Try to be sure of your shots.  These weapons tend to be loud, so try to aim a little first.

3. Sniper Rifles:
Favorites: SR-25 and M82A1A
- Make sure you are sure you are going to hit your enemy.  If you miss, he can hear the ricochet of your bullet and get out of the way.

- You might want to look in first person view a lot, it helps to see well.

- Make sure you are a good distance away and in a good hiding spot (hiding spots are covered later in the FAQ)

4. Handguns:
Favorites: 226 and DE .50
- These little babies really don’t work well silenced in online mode, so you might want to go with a good louder one like the ones mentioned.

- They work well with Sniper rifles, in case you need to fight close range.

- Make sure you are moderately close to the target.

Favorite over all weapons:
SR-25 (Great all around Sniper rifle)
F90 (insane weapon right here.  Great auto weapon)
M4A1 SD (Great all around weapon)

If you have any tips for particular weapon types, them email me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com or post it on the Gamefaqs.com SOCOM board with the title [vgsamurai: Tips for Weapons].

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       -=-        6. Particular Item Tips              -=-
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This section is under construction.  Any Item tips would be greatly accepted!  You can e-mail me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com or post them at gamefaqs.com on the SOCOM board with the title [vgsamurai: Tips for Items].


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       -=-            7. Sniping Tips                  -=-
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My favorite sniper rifles:

SR-25: This one is the best sniper rifle for the seals.  It has good accuracy and distance, and it is quicker then some of the other sniper rifles.

SR-25 SD: If you are in a dark place, or just don’t want to be spotted that badly, you may want to pick this one instead of its non-silenced brother.  This one doesn’t make as much noise, and it has a smaller blast, making it almost equal to the SR-25.

M82A1A:  Oh yes.  Best possible stats in the game except for fire rate.  But with this, its practically one hit kills, so why would you need to fire again quickly?  BTW, I hope you are in the prone stance for this one.  This weapon has a major “kick”.

- Sometimes I think that the crosshairs to slow, so I usually speed it up to seal.  But, you should select which reaction you like best or which best comforts you.

Hiding Spots:
Now, I’m not gonna just give away all of the hiding spots because that’ll just ruin the whole fun of finding them (and trust me, its pretty fun)!  But I will give you a good one.

If you are a Seal, when you start out, make a right to that 1-room ruin temple.  It should look like this:

--------------------                ^< Your Base is here.  Follow
|                  |               /   1, 2, then 3 to reach the
|                  |              /    spot.
|                  |             / ?---This is the line of vision    
                                /      to your base.  You don’t
    Temple Room                /       have the best veiw, but
                              /        it’s pretty good.
|                  |         /
|                  |        /
|__________________|       /
|_1_____| |________|      /
        |2|              /
________| |_________    /
       _|_|_________   /
      |\\\\_\\\\\\  | /
      |\\ | |     3*|
      |\\\\\\\\     |

That’s a very good one for ruins, one of my favorites.  Im not gonna tell you anymore, because if everyone knows a certain spot, then whats the fun of going there if everyone knows about it?

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       -=-                8. Closing                   -=-
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That’s it… for now.

Just remember: This guide is still being updated.  If you have any type of tip, suggestion, comments, or hate mail, you can email me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com or post it at Gamefaqs.com on the SOCOM board with the title [vgsamurai: _________________].

Thank you for reading this FAQ!  I enjoyed writing it!

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       -=-              9. Thank You’s                    -=-
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CJayC for making such a great web site!  Gamefaqs.com

Everyone at the SOCOM board for helping everyone out with problems

Everyone at Sony for making my favorite system, PS2

The Navy Seals.  If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be one of the best and successful countries in the world!  And on top of that, we wouldn’t have this great game!

Zipper Interactive for making such a great game

My Parents for making me.  Love you guys!

Thank you God

Thank you to all my friends who supported me at such tough times

Thank you to my family.  You guys were always there.

Thank you to the Official U.S. Playstation magazine for all the info on SOCOM. 

And thank YOU for reading my FAQ.

If I forgot anyone, please notify me at vgsamurai@hotmail.com.

10. Copyright Info:
This document Copyright 1998 David James Morrissey (GameFAQS User name: vg samurai).  It should currently only appear at Gamefaqs.com.  If you or anyone else see it on another site, notify me immediately at vgsamurai@hotmail.com or post it on the Gamefaqs.com “SOCOM: US Navy Seals” board.