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Updated 4/19/00
Hello once again everybody!!!!! I have not updated this page in a while as you all probably have noticed! With the new version of zelda coming out soon (anyone have a release date for me?) I decided to start the site up again after putting it on hold for a while. I am basically change the whole design of the site, it will be a lot better, believe me. I dont know if i should take this site down though, what do you think? I am definitely gunna get the game when it comes out right away, gunna have the whole site all set up to start getting all the rumors and glitches (and all the other fun stuff) so i can add stuff right away. Do you guys want a MB???
I guess that is about it for now, im gunna be adding lots of stuff in a few days (to the new site) and ill be posting and stuff on MBs so people still know im alive!! AND PLEASE.....if you have any comments/ideas..... e-mail me.
This site is not to learn how to beat the game or tips on how to beat the water temple. If that is what your looking for, your in the wrong spot. This page is to show you how to create your own pictures like the one seen above, and to look at rumors, mysteries, secrets ect,and maps with secrets on them,and no walkthroughs!
Hope to see you at my new site--- Perfect Dark Archives
get a very cool strategy guide from Amazon!
change pictures -- shows you how to change screenshots using "paint" programs.
News -- For all the latest news on Zelda, and my page.
Rumors page (updated,5-18-00)-- See all the old and new rumorsSend me rumors!!
Links --See all my favorite links
pictures/fan art --See pictures and fan art
E-mail me --Ask me a question or tell me where the site needs improvement.
Unsolved Mysteries --See all the mysteries that need to be solved
--check out maps with all the secrets on them!
--Vote for question of the month
Paint--get the paint program I use!!
Webring --go to my webring
Join my mailing list, I think youl like it. It will have all the updates, and a trivia question to get the secret url on my site!!Join now!