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Hi curious visitor. I guess you're probably wondering who I am. I recently returned from a religious mission in Brazil! I was in the Brazil Ribeir�o Preto Mission. I am a member of and currently a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Well, I'm a college student and a working man. I am studying Business Information Systems at Devry University. I work as a contractor through Manpower, and am looking for a different position in which I can use my computer and business skills. I love dealing with computers and people.

I am 25 years old and have joined a church about five years ago that I firmly believe is the true Church of Jesus Christ. If you would like to know what church it is, you can email me at the address below or simply click the link.

The following is some comforting history of the Church:

On December 16, 1838, while unjustly imprisoned in Liberty Jail, Missouri, Joseph wrote a letter to the members of the Church to give encouragement in the persecutions and suffering which all were enduring; that letter included this statement:

"Dear brethren, do not think that our hearts faint, as though some strange thing had happened unto us, for we have seen and been assured of all these things beforehand, and have an assurance of a better hope than that of our persecutors. Therefore God hath made broad our shoulders for the burden. We glory in our tribulation, because we know that God is with us, that He is our friend, and that He will save our souls."

(Joseph Smith, _History of the Church_, 3:227; also _Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith_, p. 123)

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Last Modified: 14 December 2005 13:17 EST