Sam'viel Zakarin

Age 19 Standards
Species Human
Planet of Residence Caspar, Plaxton City
Place of Origin Zakarin Farm, Outside Chorgat, Phaladina
Height 6'0" (approx. 1.80 meters)
Description Dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, thin/muscular build, tattoo on right side of face.
Background Well, click on the link :) And it is alwats growing.
Role-Play Logs Surprisingly logs... from my huge files of .txt files :) More to come, as I sift through my files. Click here.
Write to Sam :) Send email to Sam's player here....comments, troubles, ideas, etc. welcome.
Pictures. IC Picture Album :)

Where our friend Sam works. The Caspar Defence Force. It is what it says, a highly trained force to kill anyone who tries to hurt the planet ;)
     There are three sections:
Fleetops - The Navy. It has some kickass big ships, which include the H'cane, and the Sh'water. You can be bridge crew, techs, Enforcers (like security), or if you have any ideas, just tell 'em to Salonika or Pallando

Flightops - I am in control of this section of the CDF. The equivalent of the NR Starfighter Corps. We fly A-wings, Centurions and Harpoons, some really great crafts.

Groundops - I know you really do NOT need for me to tell you what this is.... But I will anyway. It is a group of highly trained Marines, most of whom are placed in the 10th (Currently, the only Marine Batallion).
    Not that I'm trying to recruit you or anything ;-) But if you want in, contact myself, Salonika or Pallando on MUSH.

A Little Bit about it all

Sam'viel is my character on SW1. It is the only MUSH which has pulled me to it to such an extent that I find myself falling in love ;). My character is a "farmboy" from a planet called Phaladina, who just wants to be a pilot... And surprisingly, at the age of 18, he became one... And so his life goes on, as I make it. Above, you can find the big logo that points to the Star Wars MUSH site, and if you wanna come take a look, here is the telnet: Star Wars

Sam is part of a faction called the CDU (Caspar Democratic Union). It has some of the most kick-ass RP on the MUSH and at most times, the largest playerbase. I joined it in August 1999, and I am still there -As a pilot in the CDF- now :) If ya wanna check it out, go to this lovely site (info on the CDF here also):-