Have fun looking around on my site. There isn't much to look at right now because a lot of it is under construction. I'm working on it though, so thanks for your patience. :)
Welcome to my site! Well I can't use the "my computers are down" excuse anymore, 'cause I've fixed everything that needs to be fixed. Now my excuse is that I don't have much time to get on here. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to lay out my other sites, and exactly what I want to put on them. Please excuse my laziness, and I'll try to update it sooner. Until then feel free to check out my interests page, my friends' websites, my poems, and my one cool link... sorry everyone I'll work on that. Sign my guestbook if you so feel like it, and enjoy yourself while you look around.
Ok, here are some brief explanations of each of my pages.
About Me This is a very long and boring page all about what I like and who I like. There is also some quick information for those of you wondering who I am.
About Safaris This page is still under construction, but once I am done there will be information on my character (Safaris) that I use for role-playing games.
My Friends This is a small list of some of my friends and links to their web pages.
My Interests This page contains links to some of the things I like- the kind of music I listen to, and shows I watch.
My Thoughts I was thinking about putting up some interesting e-mails I've recieved an posting comments. If I can figure out how I'll make a page where you can post your own comments. Lemme know what you think by e-mailing me at Sarah King -put "your website" as the subject or I won't read it.
My Pictures I've got a few pictures on here right now of some of my friends and myself. Give me time, I have a few more friends that I still need to post pics of. I'm working on it though I promise.
My Poems Here are just a few of the poems I have written about things in my life and how I felt (sorry I'm a mushy kind of person) and some of my favorite poems by other writers.
My GuestBook Self-explanitory, please check it out, let me know how boring my page is. I'm always open for suggestions, and look forward to hearing them. Please be nice though. :)
Cool Links This page has only a one link on it right now about a page that doesn't necessarily fall under my own personal interests but I still think it's cool. Yeah yeah, I know, I'm working on it.
The Original Or if you'd like you can see what my site has come from by looking at my original homepage. Keep in mind though, this was before any of the links on it worked, and if they do now they go to the actual site.
Dragon Ball Z This page will have my own posted information about my favorite show, Dragon Ball Z. Give me time, It will eventually include Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT too.