Welcome to my homepage it is currently under construction so come back often for updates

Hi my name is steven AKA sonic. I am in the 12th grade I enjoy b-ball, soccer, v-ball, computer gaming, movies,snowboarding,surfing and hanging out with friends. here are some cool pics of ....well....cool stuff.

If this isin't the epitimy of a Spongers life I don't know what is.

Now we know what the girls dreamm about (I didn't make this for those who are thinking that.)

11/22/99 everyone welcome to steve's new homepage

12/12/99 New pick is here and the link to my business i work at is up and running

2/16/00 Looking into getting a new car should be nice.

2/16/00 due to complaining about my old song it has been replaced wit a techno version of my own worst enemy .... 'cause thats what I am!!

2/29/00 Due to the fact I recieved some unsavory reports about the thoughts i had placed on the news section a new thoughts area has been added it is NOT mandatory you read this .. so enjoy. (gimmie a few days to ge it up)

5/7/00 Today I the amazing Sonicc25 am officially 17! yes! it's about time.

5/9/00 Took of the sound file at bottom of page was anoying me.

5/16/00 Decided to open up mailing list for short stories

7/8/00 Added pictures to the page.

7/10/00 added a Pictures link will have more later so check back

4/10/01 I Like KFC mashed Patatoes

4/16/01 The "Crew" is officially dissolved. We are still friends but the "Crew" is forever lost. It died unofficially when Dickenson left but now it is dead with a hole in its head.

4/16/01 Official announcement that I Steven Pierce am going to attend Anderson University in Fort Wayne, Indiana this fall! (and they said it couldn't be done)


hey guys check out these cool links

contact me through this link

Click here for Meredith Andrews fan site!
she's a hot new up and coming christian artist. (Also a friend of mine so ya'll better go!)

As some of you know and others don't I enjoy writing fantasy stories. I have decided that the best way to get feedback on my stories is to have others read them. So if you are interested in reading my stories please send a email to Sonicc25@aol.com asking for the latest story and I would be happy to send you my latest short story.

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