Hey there. My name's Seth Merlin Etc. and I live in South Australia. I'm into computer games, Games Workshop games and PUNK music and dressing up like a git. To see some of my luverly outfits, look at the NYSF photo page, link at bottom.
My page is full of stuff... some good, some really crappy, and outdated.
So check everything out and try to enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, well um, well FECK OFF! that's your problem but tell me what you think should be changed. Ties are cool.

Have You Seen Steve? This is the question on everyone's mind. Dunno what i'm on about? Follow the link down lower to find out all the grizzly details. Have i mentioned that ties are really cool?
If you have any suggestions for this page,or if I've done something wrong, tell me in my Guestbook
, through Email
or via ICQ#13664296. Tell me, I need all the help I can get. Or if you dont have anything to say, sign the book anyway so it looks like people come to this page. Make sure you read the quotes page before you leave..... Then you too can have a whole heap of pointless crap in your head to tell your friends. If you don't go to the Have You Seen Steve page, you're a git and you are ugly and smelly and i don't like you.