Site Updates: 11/23/04

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Site Updates: 11/22/04

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Site Updates: 11/16/04

Server Donations page now posted, go to Server Donations page to donate

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Site Updates: 11/09/04


members section updated...

match status updated...

team roster updated...


Courtesy of

.:UPDATE 12.13.04:.

Wow. Been out of action for a bit there. But now I'm back in full swing, gonna start recruiting us some more members, getting more matches going, populating the server, etc. I want to see some [NiNjA]s in more often! Got a server status link so you can see if anyone is playing in the server by clickin' there. Now stop reading this and go play on the server! IP


[NiNjA]My$tic deTh (MSN MESSENGER: "", AOL INSTANT MESSENGER: "antibraingangsta", YAHOO INSTANT MESSENGER: "") Hit me up B's.


I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and hope you have an even better Christmas!! As for me I got to go my mom's house in Helena, MT and eat a lot of good ass food. Was good times. On Friday Nefarious came and picked me up from Helena, and drove me to Great Falls where I attended Andrew's funeral (see below). It was a nice service but overall just made me even more sad :( ... On a brighter note, I got to check up and chill with all my buds from GF, which was nice. It also reminded me how glad I am to have moved because you can't go anywhere or do ANYTHING stuck in that shit hole..rofl...Anyway, I'll be back in action on the server and gettin' some more recruits coming through, trying to get us some hardcore traffic. [NiNjA]s expect to be in some matches pretty quick, as we're gonna be movin' on up the ladders gettin' ready for CAL. Peace out ninjas.



For all those of you who don't know... Today 11/22/04 Andrew Sievertsen was at work atop a Silo he was working on, and he and his coworker both fell 100 feet to their deaths.

Andrew was a great kid, introduced me to punk and was there when my life was shit and I really needed help. Many people didn't get to know him enough to know that he really wasn't just an asshole with weird teeth, he was a great friend and fun to be around. He introduced to me to the greatest friends I would ever know. He had a lot of life to live, and it's sad that it ended this way.

I will always remember Andrew as a kid who was down for anything, always trying to have fun, and always crazy. He showed me into a lifestyle that was fufilling in it's own way. We were in the band Kids Without Kars together, and loved playing shows and making music in his basement. We also started The Breakdown, which sadly was never able to play a show. I will always remember the good times with Andrew, and wish him luck wherever that road when you die takes you...

Thanks for always hangin' with me Andrew, drunk, sober, stoned, or otherwise. We did some crazy shit that I will always remember as "that was really stupid why the hell did I do that?" but it NEVER failed to be fun.

for all the times we dropped shit off the parking garage.

For all the times we sledded with someone pulling us behind a truck or car, at 30+ MPH, without sleds

For all the awesome parties that I can't really remember because they were so awesome..and at those parties..

..For all the times we got into drunken brawls

For all the beautiful music we made together

Thanks for being there Andrew, You showed me some good times, and I hope you are off to better times yourself; and see you on the flip-side homie. Peace.

Your memory will forever live on with me...

Love your friend,


[NiNjA] My$tic_deTh


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