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Zack's Sonic Fan Site
Updated 1-3-04 Got Unleashed? Pets are great for Social. Makin' Magic will give you new magical powers to cast spells on other Sims. Want to turn your neighbor into a toad?
Please note* I do not do objects, check here for object sites Links I only do walls and floors. Will do more soon.
Now your Sim Home can have that 'Decorator Touch'. Be the envy of all your
Only at Lona's can you find custom, handpainted
silk, wall murals with matching wallpaper and carpet. Let Lona decorate
at 'Special Introductory Prices'. For a limited time, all wall murals are
only 15 simoleans per section! Our custom color co-ordinated wallpaper
is only 10 simoleans! Our poly-fiber carpet is stain resistant, flame retardant! Stock up now while prices are low!
New Featured Products
Notice: All items are game safe. We use only the finest material, handcrafted
in Sims Art Studio and Sims Homecrafter. You will need WinZip or an unzip program to unpack
your new sets. Included in each set are- 5 walls, 2 floors, 1 picture.
Please install as follows-
Pictures (iff) in ...\ProgramFiles\Maxis\TheSims\GameData\UserObjects
Walls (wll) in ...\ProgramFiles\Maxis\TheSims\GameData\Walls
Floors (flr) in ...\ProgramFiles\Maxis\TheSims\GameData\Floors |