Well Everyone this is my attempt at a home page I hope you all enjoy it!!
©Hello this is me©
©I am 33 years old and Married Happily three years to my best friend
This is the love of my life
Angel_Doll & Mnnasfan
As you can tell I like angels and giving huggles and Kisses
This was Drawn by a friend of mine TNYIT and for that I thank him
I Also need to thank others that have helped me make this page
Long Rider for the backround!! And for helping get this page started, all the calming thing he has told me on my adventure of this page and all the framimg for the pics!!"Huggles and Kisses Gary" O>:-)you are the greatest!!
Pandora who gave me this space and talking me through getting the page uploaded on here when I couldnt get it to work!!
Hits to date O>:-)
Rider's Range(My Cyber dad (LongRiders)
CJ's Hangout(My
Cyber Daughters's Page)