Hi! I'm Eddie, I'm a 33 year old male. I have Cerebral Palsy. This website will provide information about myself and the things I like.
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During my birth, there was a tumor blocking my way out into this world. If the doctor had done more test on my Mom, like X-Rays or soundogram, the Doctor could have prevented my CP by doing a c-section two days before. Immediately after I was born, I took a helicopter ride 40 miles to a bigger hospital because I wasn't breathing. I spent two weeks in the Hospital then was allowed to come home.
But there's hope now at least for all of the physical side of it! All of us have millions of brain cells. Through the treatment of Biofeedback, I can gain some movement with the treatment. I can teach the brain cells that are alive to do the dead brain cells work. It's a lot of practicing on my part. I have to free stand so that my leg and hip muscles get strong to hold my weight also to gain balance. I can now walk along the couch with someone beside me!
I made this site so that people have some understanding of Cerebral Palsy and handicapped people. Still so many people think that since people are in wheelchairs, "they're dumb" or "they can't do anything" or "they're retards". That's so wrong. If you give us a chance, maybe "we" could teach you a thing or two about life!