Welcome to the Hall of the Green Ajah of the Grey Tower.
I see you, visitor. I trust curiosity brings you to our Hall; well, feel free to satisfy it! The map of our Hall is below, so that you may find your way if everyone who lives here is too busy to direct you (the Aes Sedai are most likely chasing Warders, and the Asha*man are probably practicing in the sparring arena with their weapon/s of choice, along with the already-bonded Warders). May you find what you seek, and may you always find water and shade.
Still looking for help, people...you don*t even have to know HTML, just say something like, "oh, putting a huge broadsword in the middle would look pretty"; honestly, that*s all I*m looking for. I*m dry of ideas - heck, lately I haven*t had time to think straight. So please, I*m begging you - help!!!
As most people know, Case is our newest Asha*man, and has inheirited my Sittership. Unfortunately this reminds me of a slight problem I have; I have the feeling with school coming up I*m going to have to drop the Tower...no, this is not the only reason, but the rest are my own to know. Hopefully I*ll be around for a few more months, but I wanted to warn everyone ahead of time.
The Members - This is the list of all the members of the Green Ajah, their Warders, and information.
The Green Ajah FAQ - If you are interested in joining the Green Ajah please read this. It should answer any questions you have about our Ajah. empty
Join - Are you considering joining the Green Ajah? If so, fill out this form to let us know.
Chat Room - Come meet your fellow members of the Green Ajah in our chat room! If you would like to hold a class or RP here, contact me, Jel*viendha Sedai.
Message Board - This is the other option for a place for your classes. Also, feel free to post a quick "hello!"
The Library - This is a collection of our Ajah*s writings. Right now there*s only one author, but there will be more additions in the future.
The Grey Tower- If you are wondering what this is all about, I suggest you visit our home, the Grey Tower. Join us today!
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The Hall of the Green Ajah is maintained by the Head of the Green Ajah, Jel*viendha Sedai.
Ambrese Sedai, our beloved Keeper, is the owner of the Green Ajah graphic at the top of the page. Please do not use it without consulting her.
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