Ryan now carries a pager while
waiting for his new lungs. Once his pager goes off, he will have two hours to
get to
An account for Ryan has been set up at the Royal Bank branch in Hagersville, in the name of "Ryan's New Lungs New Life Fund". We are trying to arrange fundraisers or donations to ease the high cost in dealing with expenses. If you would like to help us out financially with arranging a fundraiser or making a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
Approximate expenses are as follows:
» Toronto General Hospital Parking
$19/day for approx. 80 days $1520.00
» Fuel and related costs $ 800.00
» Exercise equipment
Treadmill & related equip. $2000.00
» Medication and hospital fees $ ??
» Hotel and food (Approx. 4 weeks) $3300.00
» Medical equipment
Spirometer, oximeter $2000.00
» Checkups & appointments
Parking, fuel for approx. 90 days $2600.00
Ryan's personal expenses $ ??
(Ryan will not be able to work for a minimum of one year after his operation)
For more information, feel free to contact me with questions at (905)776-5119
Thanking you for your support,