ryu1.gif CECIL'S WEB PAGE ken.gif
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Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII

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Welcome to my web page!

July 14 / 99

I have made some adjustments to allow for easy access from all 4 sections of my site. I have also began making updates to the Street Fighter and Pokemon site. Things are slow going but I am making progress a step at a time. Come back to see more soon!

July 8 / 99

Well it has been awhile since I've been able to touch this page. Being busy with school and other things I haven't been able to keep up with updating this, but it's summer and i've got all the time in the world (almost). Anyways, i did manage to get a working start to the Final Fantasy VII site, so u can check out the rough beginnings. Be sure there will be a lot of updates and additions to come in the next couple of weeks, so come back!

In the rush of things I have probably made several mistakes. So I would appreciate anyone e-mailing me at: Cecil_Paladin@geocities.com or contact me on ICQ: #5971106

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This site is still under construction...