"Dragon Warriors is the key to a magic world. A land of cobwebbed forests and haunted castles. A land where dire monsters lurk in the shadows of the night, where hobgoblins shriek across the bleak and misty moors, where wizards and armored warriors roam dank dungeons in their quest for gold and glory. The realm of your imagination."

Dragon Warriors is a fantasy role playing game based on the rules and systems detailed in six books by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson. This website builds on the foundation of the "Ultimate Role-playing Game" by suggesting additional rules which may modify or supplement the existing Dragon Warriors system. I have found them useful for advanced GameMastering and experienced players who may wish to increase the level of complexity and realism in the game.

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28th Aug - Added two new professions: the Trickster & the Enchanter

Copyright 1998. Please email dragonreaver@geocities.com with any comments or suggestions. Last updated Aug 28, 1998.