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Norns About
Last updated : March 25, 00
First of all, let me appologize for the cruddiness of this website. I would like to completely re-vamp it, but being at college doesn't allow much time. I will, however, try to get this site back on its feet so I will not be so embarassed of it. . . Well here we are! This is my website...and you must be a
visitor!!! (we don't get many visitors around these parts.)
This site is not about one thing–it's about three: Fudge, Candy, and Norns.
Well, you see, you cannot take me literally. (Never, ever, EVER.
Well maybe every now and then...) "Fudge" is meant to be like edible fudge in that it
is deep, rich, and maybe can help you feel better if you're not having the
best of days. (By this is mean that there are some cool quotes
and thoughts on life.) "Candy" is similar to real candy
because it consists of quick little things to read that I find
interesting (you may not, but you never know), and even some links to other
sites (so you can get out of here!!) And finally, "Norns"
gives you just that -- Norns!! (I was literal here I
suppose.) Well, you might not know what they are, but norns belong to a computer game series called Creatures. (Click here
for more explanation.) In my "Norns" section I have provided C1
norns for download...but I am hoping to soon add entertainment such as animations,
stories, sound waves, etc. -- all having to do with cute little norns. So please
look around and E-MAIL ME with suggestions for
this site. Thanks!