Hey! I'm a dude that lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm interested in programming\comp. science, playing sports (I used to play hockey for a team but I've focused on tennis... mainly because I hate most of the people that were on the WHS hockey team, though they're probably all gone :D)... I play varsity tennis for my high school. Um I've got kinda' long blond hair. Blue eyes. Of teutonic (Norway, and Germany) and celtic (Ireland and Scottland) descent. I guess I look more Norwegian that anything else, and so, I suppose that's what I see my self as (and what others see me as -- once when I mentioned my Irish heritage [mentioned where they came from] nobody believed me...ugh) and thus I guess I am most interested in my Norwegian heritage.

the music I like

love foreign bands!:






lead singer from Brazil -- max used to be on Sepultura





lots of viking metal

all of these are from scandinavia -- I think


yep, England


Same as above

A little bit closer to home


California --but of course, we've all heard them, and everyone thinks that they suck....they've grown up! and you should too!




they're from helheim ;)

I'm also a really big Classic rock fan. and I also enjoy a little Vivaldi, and Mozart on the side.


Yes, I am an Atheist, and don't get upset, I get so much shit from god freaks! But it's kinda' funny. SHIT! as I finish this, another god boy IM's me! This dude is stupid, he claims that he's god! Not too suprised, they have nothing better to do! And if you want to help me out give him alot of shit! Dude's AIM screen name is NannerMM. My friend did a number! Nanner's warning level is up to 70%! SWEET! Other Punks: bi11f, celeron27, gomezMIS, gfanusa. Watch out for these punks, one of them once threatened to kill me! LOL, Isn't that a sin? HA HA HA, what an idiot. I do enjoy studying the ancient pagan religions (especially the celtic and teutonic ones! :) And I also have become very interested in Buddhism (maybe that's because my mom was one, and that it's a very peaceful religion) Wait a minute! If it's peaceful, and that's why I like it, why do I like those two very worrior like religions?! anyway, hail thor! --The god that all peace loving, farming, not warrior-like scandinavians worshiped.


Yes, I'm pro-choice! I believe that a women should be able to choose, and this does not mean that they HAVE to get an abortion, SHIT! Know the meaning of CHOICE?! (in other words, you can't tell a woman what she can, and can't do to her own body! And niether can I)

Liberal Democrat and a feminist

I am a Feminist (equal rights among men and women.) Why hasn't there been a female President yet?! I am also a strong Liberal Democrat (obviously) :)

One last thing: I don't care what your religion is, or beliefs -- My best friend is russian orthodox christian. So don't be offended by my beliefs, 'cause I'm not offended by yours. It actually brings about pretty good conversations. So don't be afraid to be my friend (damn, but doesn't sound stupid?)