Under construction...
We are also sorry to announce that this site is undergoing some long-term server migration... until we get a physical server of our own... sometime at the end of Summer 2005.
Why is VidWorks Entertainment on GeoCities?
Because we decided that GeoCities is superior to the highly unreliable Berkeley Webdisk. However, it is inferior to Berkeley OCF, only it is too troublesome to get an OCF account. It is also inferior to getting our own personal server, which is currently what we're saving up money for.
VidWorks Entertainment New Developer Training Program Tutorials
Tutorial #1 - Applets
Tutorial #2 - Events
Tutorial #3 - User Interface
Tutorial #4 - Advanced Swing Concepts
Tutorial #5 - Images & Animation (NOTE: For this tutorial, you will need a copy of our logo. Right click the image above and save it to your hard disk.)
Tutorial #6 - Advanced Graphics Techniques, or get the original Word 2003 Document. (NOTE: For this tutorial, you will need a copy of our logo. Right click the image above and save it to your hard disk. You will also need the sprite.)
Tutorial #7 - Sound & Music, or get the original Word 2003 Document. (NOTE: For this tutorial, you will need tada.wav, scream.wav, and DwayneJeng-Donuts.mid.)
Tutorial #8 - Networking, or get the original Word 2003 Document.
Tutorial #9 - Reflection, or get the original Word 2003 Document.
(NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for tutorials #1 through #5.)