
Sephiroth Shrine

<BGSOUND SRC="/TimesSquare/Chasm/3779/Midi/1winged.mid" loop=infinite>

Aye! I'm Ariel and this is my crush on Sephiroth at it's worst. =) I have alot more work to do on Sephy before I is done.

Gallery Book ShelfStudio Fan artAriel

This is my dearst companion, Alaster Sablewing. Hop on and see where he takes you....but be warned. He has a hot temper *not so unlike me ^_^ * So don't make'em mad and you want end up in a duck pond.

Soon I will have a fan art section. If you have any art you would like to submit than email me.
Who would kick who's butt?

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Since August 24th 1998
Ariel Sunbane

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