Waxwheel's House of Stuff
What is on this page?
I've got a good start on a 7th Saga section,
some midis, pics, and weird links.
I work on it when I find time
Come back every once in a while to see more.
What will be on this page?
Several different sections on various
RPG's, maybe some AbandonWare, some roms,
pics, sounds, and much more.
What's New:
10/31/99 Midis added to 7th Saga Room (These are tough to find)
11/4/99 Changed the name (did you notice?)
For now:
The 7th Saga!!!!
Click here to see some pictures
Here for some cool midis
And check out my links
and if you'd like to get me some credit with CDnow...
E-mail me at
