
Shut up, fool! Don't make me do the Firecracker on you, sucka!!

I did 3'58"88 and almost retired playing 306 Maxi.

Hey!! What's up with this? I am sharing this site with that ugly fool, Gouki!!

Ah, whatever... RAIIINBOOOWW!!!

You're probably wondering why I have Rainbow Mika as my portrait? Well, Gouki and I are always joking about the games we play. In this case: Street Fighter Zero3. There's a 'super' version of Gouki, called 'Shin Gouki' - which means 'True Gouki'. So I sometimes called Gouki: 'Shin PAU'. Gouki started calling me: 'Evil Jantje' (from Evil Ryu), but I like Rainbow Mika better, so I named myself Rainbow Jantje. So that's why I have Rainbow Mika as my portrait. Silly, but true!


Best viewed: 800x600 with MSIE 4.0+

Last update: October 30th 1999

'Which way to get to the Mayor?', Janet Marshall from Virtua Cop 2

Hi SR2-Friends!

My (Anecdote's) Sega Rally Diary is updated again (29+30 OCT). Also got a new record with Lancer today. Ganbare Mitsubishi Lancer!

Don't forget to click the new quote of the week!! Hehehe...

Go to the movies more often!! Visit LOS's site: http://www.segarally.cjb.net - section multimedia!! These are the runs filmed when LOS visited Gouki and me in the Netherlands.



 Quote of the week:

'I love it when a plan comes together!'

Lt. Col. John "Hannibal" Smith from the A-Team


Blanka thinks: "Yeah, whatever!"    Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe


Want to contact us? Check the stuff out below! Gouki has no ICQ or Quickdot (yet).


ICQ-UIN: 21632544
Do you have ICQ? Have a chat when I am on-line!
Quickdot: anecdote@geocities.com

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people visited SR2P since Gouki moved in.

Riviera - The most EVIL course in Sega Rally 2!
Have you ever had a great total after 3 stages, but stuffed it on final stage? Then, this poll's for you!

What corner on Riviera is most likely to mess up your
record run?

First Hairpin (1st Lap)

First Hairpin (2nd Lap)

S-Corners (both)

Second Hairpin



4WD-Player Anecdote/YHM

Peugeot 306 Maxi / 4WD-Player Gouki/PAU

This Sega Rally 2 Webring site owned by Anecdote.
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