Shut up, fool! Don't make me do the Firecracker on you, sucka!!
I did 3'58"88 and almost retired playing 306 Maxi.
Hey!! What's up with this? I am sharing this site with that ugly fool, Gouki!!
Ah, whatever... RAIIINBOOOWW!!!
Best viewed: 800x600 with MSIE 4.0+
Last update: October 30th 1999
My (Anecdote's) Sega Rally Diary is updated again (29+30 OCT). Also got a new record with Lancer today. Ganbare Mitsubishi Lancer!
Don't forget to click the new quote of the week!! Hehehe...
Go to the movies more often!! Visit LOS's site: - section multimedia!! These are the runs filmed when LOS visited Gouki and me in the Netherlands.
'I love it when a plan comes together!'
Lt. Col. John "Hannibal" Smith from the A-Team
Want to contact us? Check the stuff out below! Gouki has no ICQ or Quickdot (yet).
GOUKI E-mail:
ANECDOTE E-mail: ICQ-UIN: 21632544 Quickdot:
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people visited SR2P since Gouki moved in.
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