Blue Jinjo's Banjo-Kazooie I.Q.

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Hey, this is Blue Jinjo. I have not updated this site in a very long time. I am sorry. It will be updated and have a whole new design when Banjo-Tooie comes out. So come back when it does come out. Meanwhile, please visit my Pokémon website at /Area51/Comet/3436

Welcome the Blue Jinjo's Banjo-kazooie I.Q.! This page has everything you need to know about Banjo-Kazooie. Sometimes if you make it to this page, most images won't show up because the server isn't that great. I'm hoping for it to be better soon. Here at the I.Q., you can access to contests, my message board, links, cheats, unsolved mysteries, the story, the characters, and other updates will be added.

This game, Banjo-Kazooie was made by Rareware , the same awesome company that made Diddy Kong Racing and Goldeneye. Banjo-Kazooie is a 128 mega-bit, fully loaded game that retails for only $49.95. Thanks to Nintendo we can have this game today. Banjo-Kazooie is an adventurous game that has very good graphics, awesome sound, role-playing, and overall is a great game. Just a fact, Banjo-Kazooie's 9 worlds are actually the worlds of Super Mario 64 hiddenly disguised very well. For example: The first world in Mario, there is a winding mountain that leads to the great Bob-omb, well think of it as Spiral Mountain in Banjo-Kazooie. Also, when you face Bowser as the last boss in Super Mario, think of when you're facing Gruntilda on a castle top. See? But Banjo-Kazooie is way better in many ways.

The object of Banjo-Kazooie is to rescue Tooty, Banjo's little sister, whom Gruntilda kidnaps her and takes her away to steal her beauty. Banjo and Kazooie team up to rescue her in Gruntilda's Lair. For more information, go to the story section. Banjo and Kazooie go through 9 worlds catching, finding, and earning Mumbo tokens, Jiggys, Jinjos, honeycomb pieces, extra lives, and notes to rescue Tooty. The 9 worlds following:

1. Mumbo's Mountian

2. Treasure Trove Cove

3. Clanker's Cavern

4. Bubble Gloop Swamp

5. Freezeezy Peak

6. Gobi's Valley

7. Mad Monster Mansion

8. Rusty Bucket Bay

9. Click Clock Wood

Well, this is it for the first page, hope you like the rest!

Read the story if you just got Banjo-Kazooie.

Come and see the characters of Banjo-Kazooie, from Banjo to Mumbo!

Come to Bottle's molehill to learn the moves.

Visit my message board and leave a message or reply.

Find the Mumbo Tokens.

If you're a cheater, come to the code center to learn the latest cheats.

Click on the links if you want to visit another Banjo-Kazooie page.

Move over to the screenshots to see some Banjo-Kazooie photos.

Talk in the chat room about Banjo-Kazooie all you want.

Vote on the web poll about things on Banjo-Kazooie.

Need help? Come to the strategy guide for your needs.

Don't know what to collect? Come to the items for a change.

Got Gameshark? Visit the gameshark page for codes.

Come admire the gallery . Credit from Rareware.

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