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For just five to ten minutes of effort by you. You will not need to invest any money. No more than four clicks of your mouse when you boot up your PC and within 10 minutes you will see the cash start to accrue.

This step by step guide will show you how to profit by using a pay-per-click website. The best part is - you DO NOT have to click any links to get paid. Your computer will do this by running one program which you can minimise to your system tray leaving your PC free to do whatever you choose to do.

The main website of this pay per click is not very informative at all but it will make you money. You can check up on your earnings as often or little as you wish. There is also a referral scheme. You do not have to refer people but it will speed up the earnings you make.

It is also worth noting that instead of just one search engine paying you to click, there are currently 26 different search engines. You can use all of them simultaneously and be paid to "view" their pages. In about a month another 200 or so search engines are due to be added - or simply ten times more opportunity to make money !!!

Each search engine accrues a separate portion of your "surfing"time. They do have a minimum payout value of $60. In honesty, with no referrals it could take you quite some time to accrue $60 in each search engine presuming that you leave your computer running day and night. This may seem like a slow process, however $60 x 26 or even $60 x a possible 226 is still a considerable sum of money for doing NOTHING (or at worst very little). $1560 for 26 search engines when they hit the $60 threshold!!!

Please print this page to refer to as you go through the step by step instructions. It will make it easier to follow!

Please click on the link below to sign up

Or Click Here

You will now be presented with a form to fill in


: Enter your own unique login name


: Enter password and confirm it in next field

Company name

: Type in "ppc appraisal"

Contact Person

: Type in your name

Tax ID

: Type in "N/A"

Email address

: Type in your email address. Please note that you cannot have any non-alphabetic characters in your email address. Sign up for a free hotmail account if necessary (

Address, etc

: Type in your address


: Type in ""

Now you should be able to login. Please note you will have to confirm your email address to register. Once you have logged in you will be taken to a menu.

Click on REQUESTS. At the bottom of the page click SELECT then REQUEST. Then click on PAGE 2 and click SELECT and REQUEST again.

If there are more than two pages (and there soon will be) then repeat the above process to select all possible search engines. Everything is now set for you to start earning money.

The next step is to automate the process so you do not have do any clicking to earn the cash.

Click on the link below (pick 1)

<Click Here

<Click Here

<Click Here

<Click Here

Your computer will then prompt you to save a file called test33.exe. Save this to your desktop. Now login to PPC appraisal and click on CAMPAIGNS on the menu. Copy your Portal URL which is the one listed on the page. (note. You do NOT need to create a portal rotator)

Now you have downloaded the test33 program, double click on the icon in your desktop to run the program. When the browser has opened click on TOOLS on the menu bar. Click ANALYST the ACT then SETUP . This brings a dialog box up on screen. Click on APPEND to open popup window. Type word "Set1" and click OK.

Popup window will disappear. Now in the small window on the left you should see Set1 inside of it.

Then paste the Portal URL that you copied from the PPC website into the large right window on the right and click OK..

On menu bar click TOOLS then ANALYST then ACT then SET1. The URL will then load up. Now click TOOLS/ANALYST/LOOP.

On menu bar click NAVIGATION then SIX.

At this stage you will have opened up six search engine browsers which will accrue money to six search engine totals at a time rather than just one!! The test33 program will now do all the clicking for you cycling through all of the current 26 search engines accruing money to each one. All you have to do now is minimise test33 and let it get on with the clicking for you while you do NOTHING.

At this point it is worth going for a cup of coffee. When you return login to the PPC website and click STATISTICS and you should see that test33 has already earned you some money !!!

NB - If for some reason your not earning money when this program is running and you are seeing 6 search engines or ads or whatever it maybe on test33, this is ppcappriasals error so contact them, not me. thanks

NB - If you do need to turn off your PC or reboot for one reason or another you will need to run the test33 program when you power up. Double click on the test33 icon and click NAVIGATION/SIX. This should make the browser resume its good work. If not click on TOOLS/ANALYST/LOOP again.

NB - When you setup test33, it creates 2 small files which holds the data you just input. If you move test33 without these files you will have to set it up again! If you want to have a shortcut on your desktop, make sure you select "paste shortcut" and do not create a new test33 (paste) icon as it will not work properly.

There is no spyware or adware contained in these programs. What these search engines are doing is paying to try to improve their numbers with Alexa so they have a better chance of competing with the big boys like Yahoo and Google.

Please note: when you reach the payout amount you can request PPC to send you the money. At this point you will need to provide details of where you want the money to be sent. I use my paypal account as it sorts out all the currency changes for you.


Any problems, let me know.

Be sure to read the FAQ below

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First, let me say that I have no connection with PPC Appraisal in any way other than being a member myself. Secondly, thanks for joining this opportunity through me!

I have received a lot of questions about how PPC and the test33.exe program work so than rather try to keep answering individual emails, this update is going to all who signed-up through me in hopes of answering the questions a lot of you have.

First, your participation in PPC Appraisal and use of test33 and other steps described is done completely at your own risk! I am not responsible for any PC problems you may encounter or your account with PPC Appraisal.

Q: What is the test33 program have to do with PPC Appraisal?

A: It is actually not part of the PPC Appraisal website and there is no information at PPC about it (or much of anything else for that matter). What test33 allows you to do is browse 6 sites at a time as opposed to
just one and to do it "automatically" instead of manually click-and-surfing. Without test33, PPC would be a very tedious and time-consuming process where making any money would be S-L-O-W.

Q: I have had or do have trouble getting the test33 program?

A: Make sure you are using the current link:

Q: How can I tell if test33 is working?

A: If you follow the instructions you received step by step, test33 should have 6 windows open at one time and you should see sites rotating through the window. This means that you are earning!
Q. Why have my screens gone blank?
A. PPC Appraisal has recently imposed a 1500 click per day limit. You are autosurfing so you
can’t really know how many “clicks” you do, but it averages about 4 hours of running
before you hit 1500. When all 6 of your browser windows are blank, YOU HAVE

BUT there is a way around this problem!

If you are a broadband user you need to use a anonymous proxy server after you have maxed out
your regular ISP (See options 1 and 2 below). PPC Appraisal limits clicks by IP address, not user accounts,
so to keep running test33 we are going to use a proxy server that will run on top
of your normal Internet connection. They do not replace your regular ISP, they just
run after you are already on the Internet.
If you are a dial up user see option3.

You can use free public proxy servers for this purpose. To find free anonymous proxies,
Google “anonymous proxy server.” This is the method for those who know how
Proxy servers work and how to connect to them. You want anonymous because
then your IP (which is maxed out already for the day, remember?) doesn’t show
to PPC and the proxy server IP does instead.

After connecting to the proxy server, run test33 and you’ll notice right away you are
back earning money again! You will have to switch proxy servers every 4 hours or
so as they max out with 1500 clicks just like you regular ISP did. You can find a ton of
free proxy servers in Google if you go this route to where you’ll never run out of ones to use.

Pay a monthly subscription for a proxy server that will automatically do everything
for you. I strongly advise everyone not familiar with proxies to go with this
option as it is very simple. The downside is that you will pay $3 to $7 a month
for that convenience.

You will find anonymous proxy server companies the same way as option A
through Google. The service I recomend to subscribe to is for $6.95
a month. There are several others...just make sure the service you choose
is simple and you do nothing but click an ico on your desktop to get
connected to the proxy service. FIndnot has over 10 servers and so you
can disconnect from one after you reach the 1500 limit and connect to another
and keep on earning. Findnot has a small program you download and then
you just choose from a list which proxy you want to use and it connects
you within seconds. That’s it!

Other benefits of using anonymous proxies is that no one can trace where
your computer is or what ISP you use, etc. and you have much more privacy

You have a DSL connection
Simply disconnect your DSL every few hours, re-dial and re-connect. Your IP address will change and you can continue running test33
How much you earn depends on how fast the search engines are responding
within test33. You have no control over the search engines’ speed in test33 so I cannot
tell you exactly how much you will earn each day.

Q: Why do I get pop-ups and my mail program attempts to start when using test33?

A: As test33 goes rapidly through the 6 different engines, some sites will appear that have scripting, attempt to have you download something, pop-ups or try to get you to email them. It slows your surfing down too.
What you CAN do is in test33 is go under TOOLS and check on NOT allowing scripting or popups or Active X.

There are more things you can block if you want under TOOLS-TEST33 OPTIONS

Q: How/why do I earn money for basically not doing anything?

A: The 21 engines that are being clicked by test33 are pay-per-click search engines. In order to compete against the major ppc engines like Google or Overture, ppc engines needs LOTS of traffic to convince advertisers to pay to be listed in their engine. The test33/PPC Appraisal method is one way for these little-known search engines to get what appears to be a lot of traffic to potential advertisers. This kind of technique of search engines to use their search engines is becoming more popular as it is a cheap way to try and get established for the search engine company that doesn't have millions to advertise and promote like a Google or Overture.

You are also greatly speeding up your earnings by using proxy servers or disconnecting your DSL connection every few hours and then re-connecting.

Q: I have more than one PC at home or work. Can I run test33 on more than one machine at one time?

A: NO! This will get your account terminated. All the messages from PPC on their website concerning using proxies is related to this. Basically, if you have one machine at work and one at home, get two accounts.
If the machines are networked together like a home networking setup or office setup, the machines have the same IP address and will appear like a proxy server to PPC so don't do that.

Q: How do I get paid? Can I join from countries outside the USA like the UK?

A: Yes you can run this program from anywhere. I get paid through my Paypal account.

Q: WHEN do I get paid?

A: Within PPC, you will notice the minimum payout(or Request as PPC calls it) for each engine and your surfing stats. Some of the engines run definitely faster than the others and earn money quicker.
You request and get paid through PPC.

Q: Who runs PPC?

A: I do not know at this point. All I do know is they have around 2500 members. If you look up the domain of PPCAppraisal, it is registered in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Q: The site says NO PROXY TRAFFIC yet you are saying to do that? Why?

A: The worst that can likely happen is your PPC Appraisal account and earnings get deleted. It hasn’t happened to me. Also, when I joined, there was no maximum and I made over $10 a day for a week, a few times over $15. Then others started joining and that changed. Until the admin communicates at all or my act gets cancelled, I’m using proxy servers.

Q. I have followed the instructions and have the test33 programme running,

inside which are 6 more windows, but the windows are blank. should there be something in them?

A. you should see search engines

1. paste your portal url into a normal browser. if you see a search engine, you've setup test33 wrong

2. if your portal url doesnt work and is blank in IE, contact ppcappraisal and they will fix the problem

Q. How do I make referrals?

A. use this document to send to people who are interested, but simply change the sign up link to your own. You can use the following link. Just replace the "yourID#" with your personal 5 digit ID #. (

Q. Windows is saying test33.exe is not a valid Win32 application?

A. download test33 again from a different link.