I think I'm crazy, but I'm going to tell you about my country.  (snicker,snicker)  Believe it or not, I have so much free time on my hands, I have actually made a country.  Why?  Call it inspiration.  Unfortunately, this place will never exist because the land it is built on is nothing like you've seen on Earth.  But, I'm going to put my page up anyways.  Consider this a tour of my brain.

The Pine Needle Republic

   The PNR is a relatively wealthy country, much like the united states, although in no way close in size.  The country has a long northern border and a tiny southern border.  The southern border is a canal which seperates the PNR from the tiny nation of Detri.  Detri is a moderately wealthy nation with little arable land.  The eastern border is the massive Atorica Ocean, while the western coast has the Tahara Ocean.  The country spans a continent from east to west, and from south to almost the end of it.  The country's northern neighor is called Craqueland, by the way.  Craqueland is a military ally and is also fairly wealthy.  The country is about 1,800x2,000 miles.  The western coast has many large rivers, while the entire country is pretty mountainous.  In the middle of the country is the large Rogos Sea, which sits in a large desert.  Well, thats it for the geography.

The states of the PNR very in size, but are relatively small, with the largest about equal to the size of the state of North Dakota, or the country of Uruguay.  Although most are smaller, about the size of West Virginia or the country of Sri Lanka.  Well there is some more information.  Well, The links below will take you to the page for each state. (Hopefully)


Bay PNR is a small coastal state with lots of land.