Ally's Little Space

First off, a little bit about me...

After graduating from Nursing school, I discovered, or more aptly rediscovered the internet, and the escape and intrigue to be found playing online games.

First were the little things, trivia and whatnot, and then I discovered MUDs.

The first mud I played on (thanks to Vassago, you know who you are) was a little copy of Shadowdale off of a BBS in Rochester, NY, called Heartbeat, which I believe is long gone now. I was Nightengale and Maelstrom on Heartbeat. My first mud character ever was Nightwind, not sure if she still exists or not.

And then... there were problems with the server for Shadowdale, and it was down... and I fiended for a good mud to play on... And I discovered Renegade Outpost II. That was where I met some of the most interesting people I have ever known, and the ones who really taught me to be a tank.


I am Moonshade, eventually to become an immortal (in 1996!) but not before being led down the path to becoming the first ranger ever to break the 2000 hitpoint mark. I had a lot of help. First was Kaith, the first person to help me there, and still one of my close friends (Thanks David.), and then there was Strawberry (Phil will -always- be Strawberry to me), and Zoloft (I miss ya Tannie!), and of course, talking about RO would never be complete without mentioning Calaron (glad you keep in touch Mark) and Keogh ( *hugs to Tom*)

Renegade Outpost IS BACK (RO5 up and running strong)! Check it out at 9999.

Don't string my eq and don't ask about the triggers.

After a bit, a couple of years I think, hack and slash just was no longer what I wanted, and thanks once again to David, Tom, and Tannie, I found The Dragon's Fang. It seems to have vanished from the earth, though I know there is a splinter at Wayfarer's Rest. Take a look at my Dragon's Fang page or my roleplay page for more info.


Currently my main mud is Tarmon Gaidon, where I am leader of the Shadow Guild as Semirhage. My Tarmon Gaidon Page is HERE.


Some of the best books I have ever read are listed below, with links if available.

The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan

The Rhapsody Trilogy, by Elizabeth Haydon

Songs of Fire and Ice, by George R. R. Martin



Anything by Orson Scott Card

Links on this site are below.

My Pets

My Family

Pictures of Me

Baby Pictures of Me

I'm expecting my first little one and you can see Aidan's First Pictures here.

My Growing Belly

More Belly Pics

The Last Belly Pics

Aidan is HERE!

Pictures of Aidan (8/9/03)

Our New Family


Pictures of Friends

Dragon's Fang Info and Character Links

Roleplaying Logs

Some of my personal favourite sites are listed below.

The World of Fantasy

Darien Cleavenger's Website

A Mystical Grove




Whispered Prayers

The Celtic Exchange

To contact me, you can email me at, use Chienar   on yahoo messenger, or AlikaChienar on AOL IM, or ask me if you want to contact me via ICQ.

This page is continually a work in progress, some links may not work, I am updating and repairing them

Note: All of the Artwork and Images are copyrighted by someone and have been passed on to me at sometime in the past. My apologies for not listing every name, but unfortunately I do not know all of them, the images have been unaltered save for resizing where appropriate.

Thanks for looking.
