Well, I'll miss all 2 or 3 of you visitors out there,
looks like my page will go into dormancy for about 3 months (13 weeks)
until I return from bootcamp. Thanks and leave me a email if you like! Freakoman@hotmail.com
Semper Fidelis!
Hey guys. (the one or two of you who might visit my page...)
Well, I've found a quicker and easier way to work on my pages.
Im updating a lot more than i used to and a lot of changes (have and,) will be happening.
I hope you like the new look!
Background images thanks to: Island Web Graphics
Hi, you might know me as IwantaVR4, Kamikaze, Mr. Incognito, or Fellenwhite...
If know me, then, good for you!
I signed up on Tuesday, November 10th, 1998 at 3:54pm, but I dont know if I'll ever get finished moving in...
Stuff thats cool: Music(creating and listening), Stuff, and The Simpsons, they rule!!!
I know for a FACT, that this page is BEST viewed at 1024x786,
with 32+bit color, and Internet Explorer 4.0+. Netscape will do,
But I've written my HTML for IE4.
Email me at freakoman@hotmail.com.
Please come back soon and visit me over and over!
Haha, bet you clicked! :)
Please drop me a note if you like/dislike my page!
I am currently looking for a new guestbook! It should be up ASAP!
P.S. To all of you out there: No, I did not make any of these midis or pictures, I have gathered them from the web and from In-Game screenshots. I am not claiming them as my own, so dont go crazy or I'll have to, um, give you dirty looks!! Oh and if you have a problem with them, or you claim them to be yours let me know, I'm not a mean guy! I'll give you your rightful respect, or take it/them down!