Well, I'll miss all 2 or 3 of you visitors out there,
looks like my page will go into dormancy for about 3 months (13 weeks)
until I return from bootcamp. Thanks and leave me a email if you like!


Semper Fidelis!

If you have Netscape, please click here...

My URL: http://start.at/iwantavr4

I got it for free at http://come.to

Hey guys. (the one or two of you who might visit my page...)
Well, I've found a quicker and easier way to work on my pages.
Im updating a lot more than i used to and a lot of changes (have and,) will be happening.
I hope you like the new look!
Background images thanks to:
Island Web Graphics

Thanks for your patience!!:)

For all relevant things check my new page. Thats where I'll be posting everything!
Click here to go to my main page

Hi, you might know me as IwantaVR4, Kamikaze, Mr. Incognito, or Fellenwhite...
If know me, then, good for you!
I signed up on Tuesday, November 10th, 1998 at 3:54pm,
but I dont know if I'll ever get finished moving in...

Stuff thats cool:
Music(creating and listening), Stuff, and The Simpsons, they rule!!!
I know for a FACT, that this page is BEST viewed at 1024x786,
with 32+bit color, and Internet Explorer 4.0+. Netscape will do,
But I've written my HTML for IE4.

Email me at freakoman@hotmail.com.
Please come back soon and visit me over and over!
Dont click me! I'm not a button.
Haha, bet you clicked! :)

Please drop me a note if you like/dislike my page!
I am currently looking for a new guestbook! It should be up ASAP!

[Main Page][My new page][Netscape Main Page]
[About Me][Midis][Do you Dare??]
[Halflife Index][Everquest]

People have visited me!

P.S. To all of you out there:
No, I did not make any of these midis or pictures,
I have gathered them from the web and from In-Game screenshots.
I am not claiming them as my own,
so dont go crazy or I'll have to, um, give you dirty looks!! Oh and if you have a problem with them,
or you claim them to be yours let me know, I'm not a mean guy!
I'll give you your rightful respect, or take it/them down!