Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I like to eat. Sometimes I drink (water). Often times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, then I dun, now I do again Most people call me wensheng.
Alston- only officer produced. Like underage T-shirts
kolslorr- still the only guy in NTU waiting for us. Just took part in talentime and look so cool. Year 3 liao, old liao.
Sally- sister of mine. Psycologists
Wenhan- Classmate for years. My roommate
CKeat- Tekong maniac. NUS
Zhengxian- he finally enlist loh
Class 01AI gang, NTU gang ,scibbles
DV stories:-
Dolcevita --- ep1
Dolcevita --- ep2
Dolcevita --- ep3
Dolcevita --- ep4
Dolcevita --- ep5
Dolcevita --- ep6
Dolcevita --- ep7
Dolcevita --- ep8
Dolcevita --- ep9
Dolcevita --- ep10
Dolcevita --- ep11

My hobbies and interests include taking photos, sleeping, reading computer times on wednesday, going home everyday, e-mailing, log on my PC, visit Orchard road, watching Jap dramas, messaging others, etc
Server- Singnet
downloading- cnet
SSA website
Homeground- NTU
JCsguide- V.A.G.I.N.A.
CAC Talentime-
Software Engineering
version 2.22
Last updated: 28/01/2003
Dolcevita --- ep12
Dolcevita --- ep13
Dolcevita --- ep14
Dolcevita --- ep15
Dolcevita --- ep16
Dolcevita --- ep17
Dolcevita --- ep18
Dolcevita --- ep19
Dolcevita --- ep20
Dolcevita --- ep21
Dolcevita --- ep22(last)
Dolcevita --- afterwords

21/09/1999- birth of webpage. Decide to put kolslorr's Dolcevita to boost my counter
18/10/2000- first update. Promised to update more often
26/01/2001- completing inserting whole Dolcevita story. Way to go
update. NB: Dolce Vita is
not wriiten by me.
update. why nobody visit me?
Update. I'm in NTU loh.
Events coming up
21/2/2003 IMPRESARIO 2003