Right! So, this is Dirt's 3.0! Not too shabby. Kinda like the place. I think I could get used to it. Anyways, you're gonna have to excuse the plain site. Not only do I like the whole "basic" look, but my html is from a couple years back. Yea. But, I felt need to redo this place so, skill or no skill, it gets done. Anyways, onto more interesting things.
I, Dirtanium, am a crazy-random mind. Always moving onto new things, never staying in one place (mentally) for long. So, we'll throw down a projects list here and now:
Terra - Terra is currently being turned into a table-top rpg system. The combat is currently being revamped, with the help of friends. I'm shooting for having most of the mechanics done by summer. Then, I rework magic and give it some more life.
Randomness - No real focus to my art now. I'm in a semi-slow period of just throwing random stuff onto the page in painter with my wacom. It's more of a time-kill than anything else.
RPG's - I have no social life due to school. Therefore, I have no roleplaying. Stupid double-major.
Computer - I'm playing Temple of Elemental Evil, and fighting it every step of the way. I can feel a good game with great graphics, but too much Baldur's Gate II has ruined the experience for me. It's painful. All I want to know is, WHY DO I GET TRIPPED WHEN I TRY TO TRIP SOMEONE? BAH! WotC has NO idea how combat works...
Console - Got a PS2 on the cheap over the summer. I'm playing Onimusha 3 right now. If you squint real hard, it's like playing a fucked-up version of "The Professional".
Bookage - Reading some quantum physics stuff to get me through that goddamn class. Next, string theory. I prove it right and win over quantum mech.
Media - All I seem to watch is the history channel. It rocks. Musically, I'm stuck on the Guilty Gear XX soundtrack.
School - I just got through the roughest semester of my life. I scraped by with a "B" average. Of course, since I'm stupid, I'm taking just as rough of a courseload this semester. This is what I get for going for both math and physics degress. Why am I so stupid?
More coming soon. Maybe I'll even have the first version of Terra up soon.