soccer games soccer management games soccer games for the kids soccer edutainment links <G>


Latest reviews:

SaaP 2002 1.02
and added a bit to the
review of World Cup Manager

World Cup Manager

LMA Manager 2001

Giant Killers 2
UEFA Challenge
Wrote a bit about SaaP 2001

Schoolboy Sixes

Backyard Soccer

Sick as a Parrot 2000 1.35

Tactical Manager 2

Cheers all!

After more than half a year of SGH inactivity, I'm back with some new reviews and a brand new design. I would have done a great menu for you, but it just wouldn't work, so this' how it ended up.

Reviewed on these pages are soccer games - most of which I have found as I surfed the Internet, and others are from those CDs sold with magazines. Remember what I've written in the reviews is my opinion only [doh!], and you should try the game for yourself. A lot of these games might be great, although I don't like them, so be sure to check them out yourself.

Consider this page Under Construction; It will never be complete, and most of the links probably don't work - and some may be down or busy at times, so either try again or try searching for the game. I'll (really) try to update them as I find new ones, but they have it with moving around. Thats life. Some of you have asked why I don't just give the games points or something, and I don't basically because I don't like doing that. I try to write my honest opinion and be fair to the game in my reviews - although some of the games probably deserve more credit from me (and you!) - and write what comes in mind. I usually don't play a game for several seasons to get enough material to write a review. If the game catches my attention, I tend to write more detailed reviews, but even if I generally don't like the game, I still try to pick it's advantages (if any =) and write a review based on those and how I feel about the game, how the UI looks like etc. During my last four or five reviews, it has occured to me, that these - and probably most of the others as well - so-called reviews are filled with stuff and ideas that are more constructive criticism. So please, bear in mind that the text might apply more to the developers than you - and I know it should be the other way around, but I have in fact little control over these reviews. They tend to write themselves. Have become bigger lately also, I noticed ... =)

I've now moved this site to and I know I've previously written that I hate banners, but this was really an opportunity to be part of a great (and great) site and I just couldn't let that chance go by. Again this hopefully creates a path, that will lead to even more reviews from me - and thats why you're here (right?) ... oh! You clicked the wrong button, eh? =) The site at is still available, but consider using it as a backup; That's how it was meant.

I get quite a lot requests for copies of the games reviewed here - and not that I like the idea of stealing software ... but I've just added a few places to my links section, where I've noticed some of the games on these pages.
I guess I'm adding the links, to prevent these great games to disappear into oblivion. Remember that games are not always just fancy graphics and that some of these games are really great games, - so, please, come with me down memory lane.

Designed in 1024x768, 32 bit color

A BIG thanks to Martin Benkerrou for some of the links!

(c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Daniel Henriksen

email:,, Click the logo to go to the free soccer only search engine.