Web Portal - Selvikin


News Update
Here we go, some more changes, as it seems, I've gotten the fade-effect down, and soon, I will have the embedded-font technology coming to this website too thanks to CSS, its my new found friend.
Okay, I'll be honest, this isn't the best website in the world, but I am working on this site more for info, not to give you catchy graphics or any more popups than what Yahoo will give you. But I am doing work on this website, you will be seeing a lot of different changes as I implement many different ideas that will come to my incompetent mind. I really hope that this will be as great as it once was a couple years ago when I hit my 1 million hit mark. Well, Thank you for visiting and happy surfing!
Born on: October 18th, 2000

AIM: M Selvikin