<BGSOUND SRC="/palmer_795/final_fantasy.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Page last updated on
Formerly "The Final Fantasy Legacy"

To go to the new site, click
here.  Or stay here if you don't have 1024x768 or don't feel like going to the new site.  Both sites have roms, but only the new site will be updated.

Update - June 11th 2003

We may be moving soon, and we think you'll like it!
The Final Fantasy Saga is probably going to be moving to a new location!  We will have a new design, better layout, and our pages will have NO BANDWIDTH LIMITS!  Our files will still have bandwidth limits, but they (the limits) will be significantly larger than what they are now.
The address is 


Highest Reccomendations 4/25/03
For Final Fantasy Origins!  I picked up the last copy from the local GameStop and its really great.  Much better graphics, great music, and a Storyline that can be understood!  The package contains remakes of Final Fantasy I and II (which was never officially released in the US).  If you have the money, by all means pick it up!


Holy Updates, Batman! 4/8/03
I've just added an RPG Maker 2000 page to the site, which includes the program and Run Time Package so you can start making your own RPGs at the click of a button (well, it's not quite that easy, but you know what I mean).  I'll probably be putting up a demo for my RM2k game soon, and if anybody has some chip sets, character sets, or even games that you'd like to put up, please e-mail me and we'll figure something out.

Site Staff


Update! 4/7/03
The Site name has been changed to "The Final Fantasy Saga"
It is now also available at www.thefinalfantasysaga.cjb.net

Site Staff


Mini Update! 3/26/03
I'm adding a guest book for you people to comment on since most of you probably don't want to spend the time e-mailing us.  NOTE: if you post profanity or simply insult our site (complaints are accepted, just don't write something like "this site sucks" with no reasoning behind it.  NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: feel free to take this off if you think its a bad idea.

Site Staff


The Games:

Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy Legend 1
Final Fantasy Legend 2
Final Fantasy Legend 3
Final Fantasy Adventure
Final Fantasy MQ
Final Fantasy Tactics
Email us at:


Other Site Staff members:

Stingwield---palmer_795@yahoo.com----Staff Member
OPNICKC---opnickc@hotmail.com----Staff Member
FF-Like RPGs
- page temporarly DOWN, click here to go strait to Chrono Trigger
For special requests or just overall info email us---Emailing info can be found at the bottom of this page.
Sign the GuestBook   View the GuestBook
RPG Maker 2000
Go to the new beta FFsaga!
FF Saga Forums now Open...Enjoy...


Please visit our sponsors.  This site has not bullshit to sign up for.  We have roms and it takes work keeping these up.  We are trying to upgrade as well.  Check back for new updates soon.  Click here.