korth's page
Welcome to a Seldom Traveled Road
Time for an overhaul again... I think I signed up for this page in about 1998, and it has yet to be finished once ;-)

"OH BOY! Sleep- that's where I'm a viking" Ralph Wiggum
Tebi Potore-Work


Opernrpg website

My Email
News :-)

Oct 7/02- restarted from scratch ;-)

Oct 7/02- added Tebi Potore Work, 2 new guilds, and one place added as well as an overview

May 03- ok been a while since I updated this page- been alot of additions, including some people- added the Temple District as well, just a few more churches to add and some to update- also adding a 3e PHB to my page for the time being- please do not read it on the site- download the target please!--> this can be done by right clicking and hitting save target