Goofy, sweet, and a bit perverted. Usually your type tends to put an outward appearance of being a nutcase when they actually are quite serious and emotionally torn....and then some are just nutcases.

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

(:This page is best viewed through the
Malkavian Madness Network:)

Greetings, I am the Shadow Walker.
And I am an avid Role Player of AD&D.
I have also had experience with the
Palladium and White Wolf gaming system.

And I love the Dragon Ball, Z, and GT series!

My page will be dedicated to
my various forms of Insanity
some more RPG
and whatever I choose for you to see.

For now, here are a few of my favorite AD&D and Malkavian Sites, and links to my friends:
MAPQUEST "Great for Road Maps"
AD&D P.C. Generator
Ray's Realm
Malk Writs
__Are u Ready ?___ Malkavian Fun House
I heard the funniest thing!
Twisted Thoughts
Vampire Clans
New Vampire Clans"What the Storytellers don't want you to see!!!"

Neopets HomePage
Neopets CheatPage
Ben Swinson's HomePage
GhostCrow's HomePage
Shirow Fujisawa's Homepage

And one of my favorite bands:

Soon I will be including links to my favorite Palladium and White Wolf based sites,
like all of the best sites for my clan ThE mAlKaViAnS.

Morty the Death's Head

Email me at dravenbladesong@hotmail.com in the meantime.

Please come back soon to see the changes I've made.
Post a Message in My Guestbook!

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