The U.S.S. EXETER Homepage
The Webmaster is working on the webpage so if something doesn't work please don't send him millions of messages complaining.

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USS Exeter Senior Game Manager
Department Directory
Marine Patrol
The U.S.S. Exeter N.C.C. - 14229, is the Flagship of Dekyon Fleet and in under the command of Captain O'Brien.
The Goals of the U.S.S. Exeter
The U.S.S. Exeter goals are to defend Starfleet againist the recent Dominion threat under the command of Captain Ryan James O'Brien.
The ship is currently assigned to patrol the current borders of Federation Space, protect Starbase 19 and settle  the occasional diplomatic problem for the United Federation of Planets.
The Exeter is currently under heavy repair after a very bad battle.
The ship is in the process of transferring between fleets.

This Star Trek RPG WebRing site owned by Captain Ryan James O'Brien.
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