My name is Melissa Reinart and I was born on August 29, 1979. I have an older sister and two younger brothers. My sister is 25 and my brothers are 18 and 16. I graduated from Armada High School in June of 1998. I don't think I'll be attending college anytime soon, although it probably would be in my best interest. I've had a few jobs. I worked at a video store till I was no longer needed because they shut it down to expand their flower shop. I was also working at a yearbook company till I broke my foot in June, 2000. It was only a seasonal job that works durning the school year, but I haven't gone back. Right now I am working as a clerk in the Meijer bakery where I've been the past three years. I enjoy working there with all the friends that I made. They're all great and wonderful people and I love them all. |