About Me:
My name is Melissa Reinart and I was born on August 29, 1979.  I have an older sister and two younger brothers.  My sister is 25 and my brothers are 18 and 16.  I graduated from Armada High School in June of 1998.  I don't think I'll be attending college anytime soon, although it probably would be in my best interest.  I've had a few jobs.  I worked at a video store till I was no longer needed because they shut it down to expand their flower shop.  I was also working at a yearbook company till I broke my foot in June, 2000.  It was only a seasonal job that works durning the school year, but I haven't gone back.  Right now I am working as a clerk in the  Meijer bakery where I've been the past three years.  I enjoy working there with all the friends that I made.  They're all great and wonderful people and I love them all.
Hello and welcome to my web site.
Here is some information
Here is a picture of me and my friend Chuck.  We used to be going out, till he moved.  We were together for 4 years.
Here is a picture of my cousin Becky and I.  Again, my mom was having another party.  I believe this one was my sisters graduation party.  Becky doesn't like her picture taken I guess.   hehe
This picture was taken by Chucks sister, Chrissy.  She is one of my good friends.  Also, she is the one that introduced Chuck and I.
Awe, look at the baby.
For more information about me and pictures of me.
To read some poems that I wrote.