John's Page
This is my homepage.  I live in a stupid town called Ashtabula where there is nothing to do ever except drive around and try causing trouble.  This is my page about me and my friends.  I am now graduated from Harbor High School (piece of shit school) now I go to a tech school in erie.   Ok now to talk a little bit about me, hmm i dont know whats going on anymore i just wanna make some cash and leave this place but while im here i like to just fuck around and get drunk and shit you know the regular. but a few of my friends are  Matt P , whose explorer will never live to beat me lol.  Dave, even with all your new car rules i know i will have to break each one. and you cant forget sarah and ashley , one day it will come when you stop standing me up lol, just tell me when you TWO are ready. lol  Greg and Steve who are like my little brothers I love em because I make them do everything. Hendrik, you know you are just a big pussy lol.   I also have two sisters Copani and Crystal who are both moved out thank god.  And I have two pets Angel(evil cat) and Stormy(dog) who never get along and always try killing each other.
You know what it is!!!
A couple of my senior pics
Car Mod Page
Randi's Ball
Party Pics
About Me 
My Truck
My Pets
Teachers from Harbor
School Pics
Friends Pics
The NOS Page
Links or Something
The Cave
More Friends
email me at
This is my Icq # if you wanna talk #28695275
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