On Line

ArrowXieXie won Silver Medal from the 8th Computer Olympiad 2003 in GRAZ(Updated at 12/02/2004) XieXie won Silver Medal from the 8th Computer Olympiad 2003 in GRAZ

ArrowChinese Chess Puzzle Contest!(Updated at 20/10/2001) Chinese Chess Puzzle Contest!
ArrowPalmxq Initial Released(Updated at 17/3/2002) The first open source chinese chess program for PalmOS.
ArrowChinese Chess Software Collections(Updated at 12/6/2002) Site which is full of chinese chess software collections
ArrowChinese Chess Software Collections(Updated at 12/6/2002) Another site which is full of chinese chess software collections

Game Of Today
Yang Guan Lin vs Zhang Zhen Hua ,1956
The 'Chess Devil" ,Yang Guan Lin IGM showed his excellent tactics in middle game and ended the game with a beautiful checkmate .
Improve Your Skill
Xiang Qi Tutorial Classroomis the latest part of my web site .Visitors can preview game examples by using Java Applet version 1.02 .This page focus on the basic opening ,middle and end games .This site provides you the fun way to improve your Xiang Qi skill .
J!Chess Viewer Official Home Page
J!Chess Viewer Official Home PageJ!Chess Viewer is a Java Applet which can demonstrate chess game on web site. J!Chess is developed by using JDK 1.1.5. For you, it is free!
Instead of typing www.geocities.com/....... ,you may access my home page by typing i.am/cchess .Just remember , i.am/cchess

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