


Welcome to the homepage of interactive comics.
The purpose of this site is to interactively make comics with the visitors of this page and to show these fruits of labour on the net.

This page will be further updated as soon as possible. So please continue to return!


An introduction on icoms


An icom; an interactive comic; is a comic which has been put together by at least two persons independently. This independently means that the comic is drawn by one person, while the second person writes the text WITHOUT exactly knowing what the first person has been drawn. The second person only bases his text on a diagram of the icom, which only shows how many creatures are drawn, what their global position towards the others is and which of them is saying something. Extra clues like questioningmarks, dustclouds etc. are optional.
Because the textwriter hasn't been influenced by the pictures, this results often enough in comics which are funny and original,
the icoms.


The latest icom


This is the icom most recently made. Press forward and backward arrows to see next and previous pictures (".." means there is no next or previous picture) and use "<< Reset" to go back to the first picture of the icom.

[Meat Johnny 26-08-1999]


Participate on an icom


This page has been set up to make more icoms with more people from all over the world. You can join in by inventing a text on the following diagram and mail it to me by pressing the "Send me your text!"-button. Copy the text from the textarea into the mailing-window, type your text after the numbers and don't forget to say if you want to get mail when the next icom will be displayed on this site.

[icom-diagram 26-08-1999]


The icom-archive


To watch the containings of the icom-archive:
  1. FIRST choose a title from the archive-box at the right.
  2. Click on "Load icom".
  3. Watch the icom in the box below.
    (">"= forward, "<"= backward, ".."= no next picture, "Reset"= go to first picture)

(And there are more icoms to come
with YOUR help!)


The icom house-rules


  • The icoms on this site and the texts which have been mailed on the icom-diagrams shown on this page may never be converted into cash or profit, nor by the manager of this site, nor by it's visitors or other people. I've put the icoms for everybody on the internet, so why should anybody pay to see them?
  • The manager of this site keeps the right, because of the maximum amount of diskspace on the server, to make not all icoms, made on this page, directly accessible by this site. If you're looking for some special icom, mail me. I'll see what I can do.
  • The identity of all writers, and specially the writer of the finally chosen text, will not be published. I at least expect you to remember your own text.
  • "icom" is not a registered name. But when pages excist or are set up with the same purpose (i.e. to interactively make comics with the visitors of the site), please mail me the address, so we can exchange our links.
    Also when other pages have links toward this site, mail me.
  • The manager of this site also keeps the right to call people, who mail diagram-texts which are untrue, offensive, vulgar, stupid, etc. etc., some here not specified names by reply-mail.


That's all folks!