- The icoms on this site and the texts which have been mailed on the icom-diagrams shown on this page may never be
converted into cash or profit, nor by the manager of this site, nor by it's visitors or other people. I've put the icoms for
everybody on the internet, so why should anybody pay to see them?
- The manager of this site keeps the right, because of the maximum amount of diskspace on the server, to make not all
icoms, made on this page, directly accessible by this site. If you're looking for some special icom,
mail me.
I'll see what I can do.
- The identity of all writers, and specially the writer of the finally chosen text, will not be published. I at least expect you to
remember your own text.
- "icom" is not a registered name. But when pages excist or are set up with the same purpose (i.e. to interactively make
comics with the visitors of the site), please
mail me
the address, so we can exchange our links.
Also when other pages have links toward this site,
mail me.
- The manager of this site also keeps the right to call people, who mail diagram-texts which are untrue, offensive, vulgar,
stupid, etc. etc., some here not specified names by reply-mail.