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           Welcome to Kathy's Webpage
                       (Quick Tips on Aquariums)                     
Hi. Welcome to my webpage. Here you will find information on setting up your new aquarium. My name is Kathy. I have been into aquariums for about 9 years now. I started out with a 10 gallon. I soon wanted one a little bit bigger so I bought a 20 gallon. I then moved to a 30. Now I have a 35. I found a beautiful 35 gallon hexagon aquarium at Super Petz. It was a spur of the moment decision to buy it. I just sold my 55. One aquarium is enough for me right now.

Aquariums are a great way to relax and find serenity. I can just sit and watch the fish for long periods of time. I have chosen to make my webpage on aquariums so that people can learn how to take care of them. Many people like aquariums but they are afraid to have them because they think that taking care of them is a lot of work. That is not true. After you read the information maybe you too will be a dedicated aquarium lover like myself. You would be surprised to know just how little maintenance there is to taking care of them. Please read on...
Getting Started...
The first thing you must do is to decide what kind of aquarium will fit into your budget and into your home. I suggest starting out with a 20 gallon aquarium. If you only start with a 10 gallon one, you probably will become dissatisfied quickly. You should only put in one inch of fish for every gallon of water. It doesn't take long to add 10 fish. The temperature of the water may vary a little bit depending on the type of fish you have. The temperature for tropicals is from 72-78 degrees. Gold fish do not need a heated tank. I keep my temp at around 75 degrees.

We purchased our tanks at Super Petz. I suggest buying you fish at a pet store. The fish are taken care of at a pet store. Have you ever looked at the tanks at your department stores? They are usually pretty nasty if you ask me.

When choosing the rocks, that's easy. Just pick a color you like and then choose your accessories to kind of go with the rocks. Don't use sand, you can't clean it. Get the rocks so you can use a syhoning hose to clean them out with once a month. When syponing, take out 10-20 percent of the water. I let the water drain out the front door because I have a 25 ft. hose. You can just use a large bucket if you don't have a long enough hose. I don't do a water change for about 6 weeks after I set my new tank up. By then, there are enough anti-bodies in the water so that after you have drained the water you can just replace it with luke warm tap water. I change my filters at the same time each month. About every two months, I take out the fake plants and ornaments and soak them in bleach to remove built up algae. Make sure you rinse the plants very well before placing them back in your tank or your fish will be history.
This is a picture of my 35 gallon hexagon aquarium. I currently have gouromi's, silver dollars and a small variet of other fish. I have about 15 all together. I use plastic plants in mine. They are less messy.
Some important tips...
Don't set your aquarium near a window. Direct sunlight will cause algea growth.
Feed your fish two or three times a day and do not feed them any more than they can eat in 5 minutes.
Buy non-agressive fish if you are keeping a community tank.
When setting up a new aquarium, only add a few fish at a time, slowly building the total number of fish.
Leave your aquarium light on during the daytime and turn it off at night.
Plastic plants are easier to use in an aquarium. I found out the hard way. Some fish like to eat the real plants.
Rince your aquarium rocks thouroughly before you put them into your new aquarium.
To remove algae from plastic plants and other objects in your aquarium, use a mixture of half bleach half water. Rince them thoroughly with clear water before putting them back into the aquarium.
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