Aamir's Home Page

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Site has been updated as of Feb 2001, ....thanx for visiting..and, do sign the guestbook (in the favourites page)

Additions include images made in Maya

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Welcome to my web site!

Hello, My name is Aamir Kadri and I do 3D Animation Design. Other areas of activities that I include are designing Websites, Multimedia Presentations and Graphics Design.

Please feel free to browse around the site, and if you are interested in any sort of project work, please feel free to contact me and give me details as to what kind of  Animation / Multimedia / Website / Graphic design work needs to be done.

I'll be glad to help anyone who needs any help regarding 3D, Graphics, Multimedia, tutorials etc etc, be sure to mail me....

e-mail me at ak3d@hotmail.com  for any queries, comments or whatever information you require.

Add me to your Yahoo Pager friends list. My Identity is aamir_thegreat.

OR if you can contact me on  ICQ, my number is 15788385.

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