Let me just let you know right now that this page is generally Out Of Character. I'm not going to write big long histories that people don't really read. I'll give you nice li'l easy to read descriptions.
Unknown artist, taken from www.fanarts.net, copyright to artist.
I'm not going to change my font color for each character. I use character names in my actions, it should be very easy to tell them apart. If you can't, then ask.
Generally, I don't like IM RP. I feel much more comfortable in a chat, with a lot of stuff going on. It keeps me focused. But when there's an overwhelming ammount of OOC talk in the chat (Yes, I talk OOC a lot, but I usually make an effort to play. I don't go into the MT to talk to my friends.) I'm more than willing to play in IMs, if it means I play. Go ahead 'n' IM me. I'm also up to making on-the-spot characters, as long as I have some free reign on developement.
I'm not out to Role Play sex. Don't expect it to come to that.
I'm 17 years old, I'm a senior in highschool. If you have qualms with role-playing with an under aged player--though why you would is beyond me--then fine. Don't go calling me an immature child, just don't play with me.
I play both male and female characters. No, I am not one of those girls who plays gay male characters.. All my characters are straight, and if they are not, then they are celibate.
Now that that's out of the way.. on to the characters.
Aresanthalasa "Alae" LeBane Elbow Serai Osileani Saerlith

Comments, Questions, Flames.

Art theft is a bad, bad thing. That is why I label the pictures that I use as 1) mine, or 2) not mine. If I have the artists name, I will use it. If I have a page, I will add a link. Please, if you are going to use an artists artwork, web graphics, anything, give them credit. Artists like me (I draw all of my character pictures) hate it when we see our artwork used without permission. Personally, I would be grateful for a little note crediting me. Artists will have to start putting watermarks (transparent disclaimer over the picture) when they post their artwork to prevent theft. Respect is a beautiful thing.

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