If you want to tell me what you want me to put on this site, pictures, information links etc. go sign the guestbook, there is a place there where you can tell me what you would like to see.
Jason in seattle-1
Jason in seattle-2
Eddie passed out in Rocky Point
Gami and his license plate
Girls night out
Rocky Point dinner
Trace in all his glory
Sloane and Raquel
Markone not doing so well in Rocky Point
Jason not doing so well either
Debbie and Sage
Tera and Anthony
The Sapps
New Years Eve Party- The guys
Flower Power
You can either click the links on either side to see a specific picture or click the little computer guy above and it will bring you to a page with all the picutres thumbnailed.  Be warned it might take a few minutes to load up depending on how fast your connection is.
Bowler getting his groove on
Eddie and Robbie in Ireland
I am still in the process of scanning more pictures in, so there will be lots more to come.  Also, if there is a picture that you are not proud of and would like to be taken off, just let me know.  I am also thinking of putting in some video feeds if we have some, say like from Rocky Point or the new years eve party, but video eats up a lot of space.  I only get 15mb of space before i have to start paying for the extra space, so i will see what i can put in without going over budget.
Click here to keep a watch out for Blain Teasley
I am going to be doing a page of when we were all young, if you all could bring me a picture of when you were around 10 or so that would be great.
Julie and Dawn
John and Eddie
Click here if you want to join our college basketball league or to see how you are currently doing
Robbie and Dawn
Catrina and Tammy
All pictures that have the yin-yang next to them are either new or the most recent that I have put in.
Hugh Hefner, I mean John
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