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Allies Enemies Members Joining Ranks News Strategies Battlenet Games Diablo Members Diablo 2 Members Diablo 2 LOD Starcraft/Broodwar Members WarCraft 2 Members Other games New Project |
Whats New In Galactic Empire September 29,2005 Trying to do some updating on website. I have found some links that don' work right anymore. I am trying to get the links to work right. Updated Allies page. I will be working more on site when I find time to work on it. August 11, 2005 Wow its been a very long time since the last update. Added background music that I like. I am redoing the front page adding a few new things and rearranging the order of some of the links on the front page. Hopefully I can get all updates done soon. That's all for now. March 10, 2004 Only place we exist now is on battlenet. Only a few members are still around. Most others are too busy to be online. I myself am one of them. Thats the only update for now. July 15,2003 Due to lack of participation Alpha and I finally decided to close down our CS branch. Both Alpha and I are memebers of a group in CS called Vicious Vendetta. Alpha is actually helping them establish their webpage. Soon as it becomes active I will make a link for it from here as well. I would like to thank our members who stayed loyal to us till the very end. As of this point Galactic Empire now only resides on battlenet. May 20, 2003 Removed NY Dark Revenge server from CS page.Also removed members Little_Tiger_Pain_JR and DaAzn from cs page as they quit. May 3, 2003 Finally got around to updating memebers on battlenet games. Looks like only a few remain on Stracraft/Broodwar. We still have a few for regular Diablo. Updated entire clan roster. Took off all invalid account names. Tried to update the counterstrike page but i think theres some error on it so i may have to do the entire page over again. :( April 24,2003 Quite a few updates today.First off I removed a few members who quit.Those members were Sharpshooter/ Energizer/ and Spitzer.It was nice having u guys.2nd i added 2 new ppl which are DaAzn and Little_Tiger_Pain_JR. Welcome abord u 2.Next I removed Jebus off the cs branch onto the d2 branch.The last 2 things I did was change the IP for rga server and romoved the NY Dark Revenge Server.That is all for today. April 8,2003 Only major update is a new member known as ShArPShOOtEr. April 2,2003 Removed matrix as he is no longer with us.Changed Wank's (or wanker) name to HaMtArO March 25,2003 Added Energizer as a full member as he has been a recuite for awhile.Also we have a new member which is SpiTZer[GE].Welcome SpiTZer.And also WELCOME back to the cs branch Instinct[GE]. March 24.2003 Removed Revennt,AnGel,and Crimson Mist from cs page as they are no longer in GE.Thats all for today. March 22,2003 A few things have been updated today.The first being that since Reverant was voted in by the council he is now a member.The second is we have a new allie (Beat down formed by shocker and rubber bullets). Also we may or may not take anymore recruits but i will check it out.Thx for ur time March 10,2003 I Alpha have updated the site yet again today as i like to keep things updated and posted so heres todays updates as i have them.I listed Energizer as a recruit on both the cs page and the member page.I also added Jebus[GE] to the diablo2 branch as he asked to join it.I will update as there is more to come. LAST and FINAL note for right now is that WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING RECRUITS FOR OUR CS BRANCH. March 8,2003 I (Alpha) have updated alil more thruout the site.Here are the updates I have done.Changed r00t[GE]'s rank to a council member. I have also changed SpaceGhost[GE]'s rank from a recruit to a member as he got 6 votes from council (including me and volt) to get in. Thirdly I added a new server to the server lists on the cs page.On the members pages i have removed All_aints(GE) and Black_Phoenix_GE as they no longer play.The last updated was that of taking off a clan on our allies page that no longer exsists. March 8, 2003 Updated alittle today before i went to work today. Added Spaceghost to our recruits and updated our roster for cs. Thats all for today. Feburary 24, 2003 Much to update. Awhile back our branch for CS died out due to lack of interest on my part and various other reasons. My interest shifted from games to that of my fiance. Im happy to report that GE has been revived. Now my brother Alpha[GE] is our leader. Recruits now go through a vote to actually get in. Thanks goes out to some of our former members that have come back to CS. Updated CS pages and our entire member pages. July 12, 2002 A long time since I last updated. Kinda a few major changes that I had to play with. First changed ranking system on cs page. new members were added to D2 page. Welcome Charani, yauzon, Brian88, and Dartanian78. Removed members that have quit GE. That for the most part was all. Till next time. May 15, 2002 Major update on website today. Removed members from site that quit GE. GE's leadership for counterstrike will now start to go into the hands of a group of Generals that I have appointed. Added a link to Jellyfish[GE] website. Check it out under Other Member Sites section. Added members Spider-Man[GE] to CS page (welcome back Illusion). Added new members Idontcare and Charan to D2 member page, also updated D2 page somewhat. Hope I didn't forget anything tonight, I'm on only 3 hours of sleep........ April 13, 2002 Added Unisonic.js[GE] and Terc[GE] to cs page. They were once members, left awhile back and have now returned. Welcome back!! Also fixed our current roster on GE member page, and as always there is probably something I missed as I generally get to work on this site at about 5 AM. Enough of my ramblings for the night. Catch ya on the flip side... or something like that. April 2,2002 Added Xenocide[GE] to CS member page, Welcome Xenocide, I hope I spelled your name right on page. Sorry I didnt get you up on site sooner, been kinda busy. At any rate thats all for now. March 26, 2002 Updated CS member page. Welcome Jebus [GE], Cloudfuel[GE], MikeB[GE], and Liberty[GE]. Also updated meber page. Found out what was causing a few places on cs page that were wrong and fixed them. Least I hope so. =) March 13,2002 Just a very minor update today. Updated CS member rankings. Also theres a error somewhere on page on servers. For some reason it wont show the Other servers list that is on the page, thers also a place where a name is not correct. Soon as i figure out why those items wont show up I will fix them. March 5,2002 Added more members to CS page and GE members page. Welcome ]-DG-[Overkill[GE], C|_()|_|D STR|FE[GE], andTyrant[GE]. Had to fix a typo that I made from last update, I spelled Wesjitsu's name wrong, I spelled it right today. Also added more content on CS member page, I changed around the look of it. Thats all for now. Later all. Feburary 25,2002 Added more member to CS page and GE members page. Welcome CEREBUS[GE], totoro[GE], Gotti[GE],and Wesjitsu[GE] I believe there is 1 more member that I missed, but Ill have to get my bro to get his name as I dont remember it. So he will prob be added tomorow as im getting real tired. I also updated our allies page to include our allies SPIRAL and KARMA clans on CS. Thats all for now Laters. Februrary 17,2002 Added 5 more members to cs page. Also added to GE member page. Welcome Crusader[GE], W!c|{eD $pOoN[GE], lodawg -|3ot [GE], r00t [GE], and st0rk [GE]. Thats all the updates for today. Februrary 5, 2002 FINNALLY got around to updating stats for starcraft/broodwar. Unfourtunatly alot of account names became INVALID so I deleted them off of website. A move I didnt especially want to do. Anyway those that were deleted all you have to do is just talk to me. Also added a bunch on new CS members today. 5 to be exact. Welcome EasyTarget[GE], ILLusion[GE], Exodus[GE], MK-II [GE], and $TrYkEr[GE]. Added a key onto member page to denote my letters at end of player names. Thats all for now getting sleepy. Cya laters January 28,2002 A couple changes to note. First our clan tag for cs has been changed to [GE] instead of ~GE, our tag will still remain the same for battlenet.Added new member to counter strike page, welcome ShArpZ[GE]. Im hoping to get to my purging of unused accounts for bnet sometime this week (presumably my day off) Im also still hoping to start up member profile pages. Thats it for now. Getting s.l.e.e.p..p...y January 8,2002 Added 2 more members to Diablo section. Welcome BRIAN128 and GODOFTHUNDER! They have also been added under GE members page. Thats all for now, next update will more than likely be about seeing how many members are active and which accounts have become invalid (bnet of course) January 1,2002 Changed our leadership on regular Diablo2 to Malise. He is now the leader of that branch of GE. Thats pretty much the only update for today. December 25, 2001 Merry Christmas to Everyone!!! Ive gotten allitle lazy the past couple of weeks so I got around to updating today (Christmas Day.) Anyways we have new IN GAME COMMANDERS for counterstrike. (It means that I wont have to be everything anymore =), and i can just concentrate on administrative duties, since one of our other founders (Col. Powell~GE cant get to a computer due tp his job. Congradulatiosn go out to WORLDOFLIES~GE and Spinal~GE as they are the new battle leaders for GE under counterstrike. Here soon i need to do a purge of GE members on battlenet and see if their accounts are still active so I can see how many actual members we got. Till next time keep your gunpowder dry, and dont shoot yourself with a grenade. =) December 10, 2001 Forgot to add Shane_GE to Diablo2 page, and also added members on to GE member page (sorry im forgetfull sometimes.) Increaced ranks of a few members under CS page. We had a 2 on 2 Scrimmage vs. Clan ION last night. Spinal~GE and Voltron~GE participated. While we didnt win it still gave me valuable practice for clan matches. Later all till I update next time which seems to be every week now :) December 5,2001 Added 3 new members to CS page. Welcome T3rMeNat3r~GE, Spinal~GE, and wOrLdOfLiEs~GE. GE also had its first CS scrimmage with clan Spiral on Entropy Spiral server. GE members that participated were Col.Powell~GE, Voltron~GE, T3rMeNaT3r~GE, and Spinal~GE. Thanks go out to those who participated, and while we did OK Spiral beat us pretty bad. GOOD TRY! Our MVP for the match was Spinal~GE. We just need to keep practicing. November 28, 2001 Nothing major today, just updated member ranks for counterstrike, in which Shane~GE and Haxerscam~GE acheieved a higher rank. Keep up the good work. Thats all for today. (Stayed up too late again last night DOH). November 26,2001 Added new members Shane~GE and Haxerscam~GE to C-Strike, and GE member pages. Welcome guys. Im hoping to put up member profile pages soon so any member that wanst me to add some info email me. November 21,2001 It was with great saddness that I had to remove [RKBA]rockandroll~GE from member page. I did this at the behest of clan [RKBA]. My apologies go out to all of those involved in this incident. November 16, 2001 Added new member to CS page as well as on the GE member page. Welcome [RKBA]rockandroll~GE. I'm kinda thinking about changing the front page alittle though adn put this as Home page and put up anotehr start page with background music. Email me with any thoughts on this. I still need to do something with a member profile page, but I still not finding enough time. Oh well, there is always hope for the next update. November 14, 2001 Whoa, got around to putting up rank insignias fro CS page. Also i changed the background of this page and i must say that I like it ALOT. Its prob about time to update stats for SC/BW, but im again bitten by the lazy bug. Added a link to a new member page. Check it out under the under member sites. November 13,2001 Added new member to CS page, WELCOME Sk8terbum89~GE. He was also put on GE member page whaere ALL members are no matter what game they play. Still havent uploaded rank insignias for CS yet so hopefully i will soon. November 7, 2001 I got off my lazy butt and added a Counterstrike page. Its still in its infancy but i think it looks kinda good (considering I stayed up till 9 am working on it, choke that one up to too much caffine. I still need to upload our rank insignias, but its gettign kinda late, or early depending on your own point of view. Also added a link through CS page to the servers that we generally play on. October 25, 2001 Added new member Col-Powell(GE) to GE member page and created a Diablo 2 Xpansion page for those members. Thinking about creating a Counterstrike page as thats the game that Im addicted to. Since most of members kinda are too busy to play anything other than Diablo 2, and Counterstrike I haven't needed to update too often :( July 27,2001 Added new member Malise, welcome to Galactic Empire. I still havent put up individual member pages yet as I still havent found enough time to do that. It probably has something to do with my addiction to Counterstrike, and also the heat that Ive been having where I live. Once it starts cooling down perhaps Ill get off my lazy butt and put up the member profile pages. :) July 8, 2001 Added a complete list of GE members without having to look over All member sections. We now play over Gamespy arcade too. If you would like to download Gamespy arcade click here. Got around to putting up another counter, this time i hope it wont mess up like my previous counter did. Im also adding a member page for each GE member, which will have info on what type of games they play, and where they can be found. Hopefully it wont take me too terribly long to get all the member profiles up, which is under the members link. July 4, 2001 Happy fouth of July everybody!!!! June 5, 2001 Battlenet has finally got it to where channel bots can only go into a few channels now. The clan channel is no longer being watched over by Metroplex{GE}, Stealth_Voltron, Predaking(GE), or any other of the bots of GE members. The only good thing about this is that this is affecting ALL channel bots. I just hope that this will fix some of the lag issues for bnet. Hopefully our beloved clan channel will stay out of hostile intruders clutches. May 27, 2001 The Galactic Empire celebrates its 2 year anniversary. April 27, 2001 Hmmm something is very strange here on the webpage, its not showing my background right, I don't know if maybe the file got corrucpted or what. anyhoo theres a few other backgrounds through out the site that aren't working either. Oh well, hopefully its just a glitch and it will fix itself (probably not but I can hope). Almost got offtrack there for a bit on this particular update. Added new members to our Diablo 2 page, welcome SKALRAG and JCISFORALL~GA, I hope i didnt miss anybody, but if I did beat me over the head with something... Just kidding email me and I'll fix the problem. Updated member stats under Starcraft/Broodwar. One other thing before I trail off on this update is that our channel is currently trying to be taken over by other clans and therefore I've had to put up a channel bot with channel protection password. One of the clans that have been trying to take over channel is another clan going under the name of Galactic Empire. Theres been a few others, that I dont really want to list. The members under this clan dont have to give a password as Ive automatically set them up as being exempt from the password. I also added a news archive for before 2001, after my next update that will be the only way to find the old news files. Well I guess that i have updated the site enough for one day, hopefully it wont take me so long to do more updates like it did this time. February 13,2001 Updated one of our allies links to their main page. Updated member stats under Diablo 2, Starcraft and Broodwar. Untill I can get more info on some of our other members under D2 this is all the updates for now, or untill I see something that doesnt look right or just needs changing. . January 11, 2001 Finally put up main clan logo. Also added a Diablo logo for the Diablo page. Added a Baldurs Gate logo on the Other Games page. If I ever get around to it Im hoping to be able to add a Download page, this would require me to stop being lazy and finish my project for battlenet. Its mainly an RPG map I just havent finished it yet. Too many projects so little time. Im hoping to find the time to update member stats under all games. Last thing is Im adding a link to one of my friends websites. December 22,2000 Added Tribes on list on Other Games page. Changed the Diablo 2 page icon as the current one took to long to load for most people. Ill change it to another once I find one thats not too big. Updated character info on Dialblo 2. Took off background music also, unless Galactic Empire members wishes me to put the background music back on. Finally put up Diablo member page, but since I cant access my private channel under Diablo, I might not play much on it anymore. October 24, 2000 Almost worked on site twice in one day! Updated character info on Diablo 2 page. Also added more games on the other games page. October 23, 2000 Finally got part of the clan logo to do what I wanted it to do. Now if I can get the other part to work then it would be pretty cool. For the meantime this will have to do. Also added new members to the Diablo 2 page and updated characters and levels for existing members. October 10, 2000 Today I added links to other Galactic Empire member webpages. October 9, 2000 Updated Stracraft/Broodwar member stats. Added new members on the SC/BW page. October 2,2000 Finally got one of my page logos to load up and actually show itself. Now the Diablo 2 page looks somewhat better. Tried to get the Starcraft logo to work but still having problems with that one. Hopefully if I have the time I can at least get the Warcraft 2 logo up and possibly get my Starcraft page logo to load. I also need to add new members to pages as well. August 21,2000 Added Warcraft 2 page on website, and members names on it as well as putting the Warcraft 2 ranks on the rank page. August 20,2000 Different type of update today. I finally got around to putting up the Diablo 2 page today. Not exactly the way that I wanted but it gets the job done. August 14,2000 Wow I havent updated anything on the site in 2 months. So I guess its time to work on page some more. Updated battlenet stats for all members. I also finally put in a new picture gallery page, instead of having the pics on the main page. Also added a page link for Diablo 2 members. Im hoping that I can get all the links for the main memu done sometime. As always there's more to come soon as I get the time to put it on. Till next time. June 15,2000 Updated battlenet stats for our members. On the front page I added some of my favorite Starcraft and Broodwar pics, Ill probably move these into the picture gallery soon as I get the chance to. Also put on some background music, although now it takes along time to download the first page. Ill have to change that at a later date. May 29,2000 The Galactic Empire clan celebrates its 1 year anniversary. Updated stats for active battlenet members. Made the new ranks page which contains the ranks for Starcraft/Broodwar. This is where I will post the ranks instead of the old way. Created the new Starcraft/Broodwar member page. March 12, 2000 Not much added today mainly just new members on member page. January 1, 2000 Happy New Year! I spent today seeing if the Y2K bug would do anything to my computer. Looks like it was just hype, oh well. All the time I spent on the comp today i could have put more up than just working on a member profile page. Unfortunatly I can't exactly finish this page till I talk with the members to see what they want me to put up about them. September 18, 1999 Hmmmm.... I finally decided to put on a counter for webpage. It took me this long to get to a counter on webpage, I hope this wont mean that Im gonna be putting up alot of things to terribly late. August 11, 1999 Changed the leadership structure of clan somewhat. Instead of the creators of the clan being Grand Council members I changed it to Emperor and Prince ranks. July 5, 1999 Added clan ally page. Its very basic but I feel it will get done what I need it to do. June 10, 1999 Time to put up a member page. Decided to create a column format with names as one column, rank as next column, ICQ# as 3rd column and email address as the last column May 29, 1999 Front page finished. Now its time to start getting clan members. So far its just me and my co-creator in the clan but that will hopefully change real soon. The Galactic Empire clan is born. May 27, 1999 Wanting to start a clan of my own, I decide to start working on a webpage first and then start getting members later. That way members would have a way to look at thier ranks and any other info that they could want. I decide to sign up with Geocities as the place for my website. I dont know html and with geobuilder as the site building tool it looks like this is the right place to start building a webpage. I got the basic idea that I wanted to express done on the front page but its still not finished yet...... |
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Please bear in mind that this site is always under construction. |