The Metalmesh Home Page
The Metalmesh Home Page

22 January 2008 We finally bought a house!
10 June 2006 Well, after twenty-four and a half years, it finally happened: I officially became a nerd. What was it that completed my transition to "Genius" status? Click here to find out.
29 May 2006Happy Memorial Day! I would like to thank all the Veterans who have so nobly fought, guarded, and upheld our country for the past 230 years. A special thanks to my Father, my brother Luke, and soon to be my brother Nathan.
    In other news, Rebecca gave birth to our son, Jaron Robert Siebach on 30 April 2006. He was eight pounds eight ounces, and nineteen and a half inches long. He is the cutest baby EVER!!!
31 December 2005 Happy new year! I hope that you've all finished reading the Book of Mormon again by now. Rebecca has created a wonderful newsletter for our family, which can be downloaded here. Disclaimer: If you don't have the fonts that she used, then things might look a little funny. Also, I've started uploading our wedding pictures onto the site, so feel free to look at those! Once again, happy new year to all, and may the Lord bring joy to you this year, as well as always.
7 October 2005 Okay, folks. Good news: Becki is pregnant! Oooooh, yeah. We're pretty excited. Work is work, school is school, and Becki is perfect. I'd also like to send a shout-out to my brother who is about to be twenty-two in a few days: enjoy the lint!
14 September 2005 Today is my second day at my new job. I'm working for BYU's OIT Engineering department with the PeopleSoft team. Also, I'm working on adding our wedding pictures to the site. Click here to see them. Life is good, my Becki is perfect, and I'm learning a lot in school. The Church is true, and keep the faith!
29 July 2005 I haven't updated this in a while; I've been busy. Becki and I move to Provo in half a month. Later!
4 May 2005 Happy Mother's Day! I have been married for twelve days now--the most amazing and glorious of my life! I love my wife, Rebecca Mitchell Siebach, with all of my soul, and I love you, too, Mom!
31 March 2005 Let the countdown continue! Only twenty-six days until I marry the most perfect and beautiful woman in all the world. I can't wait! School goes well, life is grand, and I love Rebecca Mitchell!
21 February 2005 Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples everywhere: I am marrying Rebecca Mitchell! I proposed to her in December, and we will be married in April. I have never been happier in all of my life. I can't wait for the day that we are sealed for all eternity.
25 December 2004 Merry Christmas, everyone! It's that blessed time of year when we celebrate the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
In other news, Rebecca will arrive here in three days; thank goodness. I have been going insane without being able to see her for the past five days, so I should probably be able to handle three more--probably. Other than that, life is pretty good. We've been moving things around in the house, and everything is getting in order. The Church is true, and enjoy the Christmas season!
3 December 2004 Long time no write, wouldn't you say? Weeeeell, things are going excellent. I have a girlfriend by the name of Rebecca Mitchell, and she is the most beautiful, perfect woman that I have ever met in my life. She is wonderful, one of the greatest blessings in my life. My major is now nuclear physics, and I will be going to BYU next year. I will graduate in April with my Associates Degree, earn my Batchelors Degree from BYU, and then go to M.I.T. for graduate studies. I can't wait until I get to go home for Christmas! The Church is true!
19 July 2004 Happy Birthday, Sarah! Happy Birthday (yesterday), Josh! Today I began to undertake my latest web project: a compilation of my adventures in college. It is not even close to being finished, but it will provide a visual output for the myriad memories. If you want to get a sneek peek, you can click HERE, but the actual link is the period at the end of this sentence.
9 July 2004 My life is buuuuu-sy! But it's good. I have finally learned "The Entertainer" for the piano, chamber choir has some nice songs that we are singing, I am reading the fifth book in the Collected Works of Hugh Nibley series, working at the library, and I went to the temple this morning. Everyone at home is doing well, so I have no reason to complain but every reason to thank my God.
This page was last
on the 5th of February 2005.

Ryan Mitchell's Website
The homepage of my future brother-in-law. Ryan rocks!!
Stormtrooper Bob.
For all your Stormtrooper Bob listening needs.
I am currently working on beating this game with four white mages. I will become one of the greats!
The Crimson Smiley
The one, the only, the Crimson Smiley.
Links To My Pages
As my interests have changed on my mission, these will change when I get the time, too.
Wedding Pictures
My Warhammer 40,000 page
Weird Al Page
Animated Images Page

You can me at and give me your ideas!

Bowser says: "Eat more beef."
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