~quietly entering, her soft blue eyes surveying the lovely surroundings. A warm breeze gently lifts and tosses her auburn curls about her face. Closing her eyes and tipping her head back to enjoy the warm sunshine and fragrant air. Brightly smiling then venturing further into the realm, her wispy gown clinging to her every curve as she moves. Wandering and finding a comfortable spot to sit and relax. She softly sighs and whispers to the wind of love and laughter yet to be found~
~her eyes begin to drift closed. Her mind opens into the garden. She slowly walks among the beautiful array of flowers...sighing and smiling happily. Getting a bit of a wicked thought she begins to twirl and sway around the garden, the sun warming her cheeks, the breeze blowing an intoxicating floral frangrance about her face. Spinning faster and faster till so dizzy she falls to the ground, giggling and turning over to her stomach...burying her face in the florals. Looking up all of a sudden, hearing laughter in the distance she gets up. Grinning, her eyes wide as she gathers her skirts and runs toward the laughter~
~waking with a start from her dream. A certain twinkle in her eye as she looks around. She laughs softly yet wickedly and ever so quietly skips off toward the garden~