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In Association with allwall.com
Buy this poster at allwall.com
In Association with allwall.com
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In Association with allwall.com
Buy this poster at allwall.com
In Association with allwall.com
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New Site Open!
My new site is open click here to go to Eric's Metal Site!

Remember the site I told yall about? Will it should be ready by the end of this week it has videos,discography's,info about the bands and more.

Posters to buy
You can now buy posters on my site click on a poster you like under other on the left bar or you can click on the button under other thats says allwall.com. And I might be updateing a little more now.

New Site
I have started a new site its about metal(music) you might like it if you like bands like KoRn coal chamber sevendust etc. I'll put a link on this site when i think its good eouf.

Sorry but I have stoped updateing my site theres just nothin else to update. Which means you will no longer be able to adopt a pokemon =(. I might start updateing again if I get my .com site. You can still go to all the sections of my site. Thanks for coming. Without you I would have stoped a long time ago well,duh. I think i've done pretty good for a one man site,got farther than I thought. Well anyways thanks for coming'. You can take a look at where it all started click here.

One Year Anniversary
Well this site has been aound for a year I just forgot to put it up on 8-1-00 when it was the anniversary.

New Affiliate
New affiliate Vinisaur Pokémon Page pretty good site click on the there button under affiliate to vist it.

How do ya like the red? I though yall might be getting tried of the some old blue.

New animated Button
You might be getting tried of the button updates but, here is another one but it's animated. You can go to Link To Me to get the code if you want.Oh yeah and now when you adopt a pokemon it looks better.

Redid Pokemon Pic Pages
Redid the pokemon pages that has all 251 so its looks better and its easyer to move around.

Animated Pics News
Ive made it easier to move on from animated pics pages and I have taken off some of the pics on the frist page and put them on the new pages 4 and 5. Oh yeah how do you like the new site news pic that I made?

2 New Buttons
Two new kewler buttons that the webmaster of Pokeivy made for me. You can go to link to me to look are get the code. And I all so got a new affiliate Pikachu's Pokemon Center.

Contest Winner
Contgraulations to Lauren Hall who won a holo mint condition Blastiose! For those of you who didn't win better luck next time!

Contest News
Well less than 100 more hits till someone wins the contest. Click on contest to see how to win it. And the MTV Summer Sanitarium was great allthough I only got to see KoRn and Kid Rock would have seen Metallica but there singer got hurt.

New Button
New button you can go link to me to get the HTML code if you wanna link to me.Yay I get to go to the MTV Summer Sanitarium with Metallica,KoRn,Kid Rock and more(don't mean to brag).

More Pinball Gameshark cheats
More Pinball Gameshark cheats and I made a new look for them.

Fixed most or all of the problems that I may have had with the new layout.

New Layout
New layout it's kinda the same as the other one but I like this better. e-mail me and tell me what you think.

Allright, allright I know the quiz sucked from what yall said on the poll ill make a harder one next time(hopyfully it's hard enough). And, whoever wants to affiliate with me will have to have a link to there site insed of a button sorry. and im getting a .com site soon!

More Card Game Gameshark Cheats
Changed the look of card gameshark cheats and got more cheats.Most of them should work.

Changed the layout a little, if you can tell.