
March 11, 2008
Alright, with my good friend Wilmer, we've taking some awesome shots, mostly learning to play with different lighting effects. Check them out below!

Feb 11, 2008
This is a very simple page, where I will post everything photography related. That being pictures of my camera, accessories, my pictures taken, and everything in between. It is also a way for my dad who is half way around the world to just see the things I'm doing, the accessories that I'm buying, how I'm using them, if I'm using the add-ons correctly, and to see my photography in action. And of course, this will be a site for me to do experimentations with lenses, and just the scientific side of photography. Enjoy!


Lighting Effects - March 11, 2008
My Camera and Accessories - Feb 11, 2008
The Different Depth Of Fields - Feb 11, 2008
Quality of the pictures - Feb 11, 2008
Different Flashes - Feb 11, 2008