and that's not even my cat......


Leax's EXECUTABLES & CODE - all source codes are under GNU General Public License

Desktop eye candy Tanks, GDI project, watch the cloacking effect => Screenshot
Desktop Tanks source code in VisualBasic 6
Iniwin 1.16 Window Transparencer, Make Targeted Window half Transparent => Screenshot
Iniwin 1.16 source code in C/C++
MetaSense 0.873 Auto Browser and HTTP Header Creator => Screenshot
MetaSense 0.873 source code in C/C++
Pantheon 0.2 a simple typing tutoring program with syntax high-lighting => Screenshot
Pantheon 0.2 source code in C# .NET
Balanor 0.441 is a Warcraft3 utility that works like BanList + CustomKick, it detects the people's country of origin and allows player kicking => Screenshot
Balanor 0.441 source code in VB .NET

Ever wondered if NASA's shuttle control software requires constant patching like every other software? The answer is No, they gets it right, and gets it right the first time
C => Win32 API Global Wide "HOOKING" without External DLL Tutorial
Funny Computing Quotes
Moronism - Wrote it during a moronic mood
Spin Off of a Team Contract learnt in Project Management Class - A paper to prove Professors never read what you hand in
Creating your own RPG? might as well make it MMO? Spell that out and you get MMORPG
some funny comic extracts HERE and HERE and rest of series (over 600) at Megatokyo
Another comic extract HERE and rest of series at Ctrl+Alt+Del