Daedalron 's Home Page

This is Daedalron's Homepage
There's nothing in this page yet, but maybe in some time will appear some stuff for StarWars the RPG. But I'm french and I'll so have to translate all in order to put it here. So don't be too hurry, it'll surely arrive in a few months !

My interests are:
Role Playing Games and PC games.

The description of my page is:
As I'm still a student, I have a very few time to work on my site (in fact, at most one hour a week) and this is my first try. Thanks for coming here. As I've already said, I'm french, so, all apologies for english mistakes.

E-mail me at daedalron@yahoo.com if you have any comment.
There's nothing yet here, but I'm working on it.

You're my number visitor. Thanks for coming !

© 1997 daedalron@yahoo.com

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